Speculative Fiction by another name is science fiction and fantasy. Introducing Charlotte Taylor, EMG Speculative Fiction Chair Charlotte has been a fan of fantasy and reading all her life. Just ask her sisters – she preferred escaping into a book to playing with them. As Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction chair, it is easy for Charlotte to combine her love of those …
#CYBILS2023 Recommendations from Sarah Jamila Stevenson
Sarah may claim that she may be invisible, but we see her. She knows all the magic spells and uses them to create all kinds of amazing things, like our logo, print flyers, and our website. So wherever you go on the website? It’s safe to conclude that “Sarah was here.” All kidding aside, we couldn’t have this wonderful resource …
Graphic Novels & More: #CYBILS2023 Recommendations from Kristen Harvey
Okay, comics fans! Are you ready to topple that TBR? Don’t you just love that visual (pun intended)! This week’s list of Boy-I-Hope-These-Get-Nominated titles includes fiction and nonfiction, realism and fantasy, and starts with a learn-to-draw title! Introducing Kristen Harvey Kristen has participated in the CYBILS Awards since 2013 and is returning for her third year at the helm of …
#CYBILS2023 YA Speculative Fiction Recommendations from Sondra Eklund
Yes friends, we are launching a new feature on the CYBILS Awards blog! Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing some of the books our Category Chairs hope to see nominated this year. It complements the work that our Early Call judges finding and reading all the books. The best part? You might find a book you didn’t know about …
#CYBILSAWARDS Backlist Book List: Memorial Day Edition
Memorial Day weekend is our unofficial leap into summer each year. Memorial Day itself is bittersweet, as we remember those who have died in service to our country and also celebrate their memories as fathers, sons, brothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, and sisters. To mark the occasion this year, we went into the CYBILS Awards database to find books that share …
REFUGEE by Alan Gratz CYBILS 📚🎶
REFUGEE by Shannon Stocker illustrated by Devon Holzwarth Scholastic Winner – Middle Grade Fiction 2017 CYBILS Awards The Book Middle Grade Fiction historical fiction, realistic fiction, war Three children, three countries, three points in history. Three stories in one. Refugee by Alan Gratz is an important story for our times. The writing is tension-filled and although the young characters are …
PATRON SAINTS OF NOTHING by Randy Ribay Kokila Books Finalist – Young Adult Fiction 2019 CYBILS Awards The Book Young Adult Fiction Contemporary, Family, Mystery, Realistic Fiction, Social Justice More than just a murder mystery, PATRON SAINTS OF NOTHING tells a poignant, powerful story about a Filipino-American teen who travels to the land of his birth to investigate the wrongful …
Welcome to the inaugural CYBILS Awards Book Playlist. If you love listening to music as you read, these posts are for you! Each post pairs a curated Spotify playlist with one CYBILS Awards finalist or winner. If you have a playlist request, be sure to drop us a line at cybilsawards [at] gmail [dot] com. DEAR JUSTYCE: A NOVEL (Dear Martin …
#BannedBookWeek Spotlight Post
We recently welcomed Riya Fernando to our Volunteer Team, and are so glad to have her on board. When she offered to create a book playlist for Banned Book Week built around THE HATE U GIVE by Angie Thomas (2017 YA Fiction Finalist), our answer was an emphatic “Absolutely!” Make sure to celebrate this week by reading your favorite books …
2021 Panelists and Judges: YA Speculative Fiction
Round 1 Sarah Cook sarah yael Instagram: @sarahyael_ Grace Barker Grace Gets Books Twitter: @gracegetsbooks Instagram: @gracegetsbooks Kim Aippersbach Dead Houseplants Tria Pallesen Goodreads Nithya Myneni Goodreads Kimberly Lynne girlxoxo Instagram: @Chapter_Adventure Jenna Ehler Goodreads Twitter: @readthinkvote Round 2 Rine Karr Goodreads Twitter: @rinekarr Instagram: @rinekarr Sondra Eklund Sonderbooks Twitter: @Sonderbooks …