2014 Young Adult Non-Fiction Judges

First Round Stephanie Charlefour Love. Life. Read. @scharle4 Aaron Maurer Coffee for the Brain @coffeechugbooks Michelle Lockwood Blogs Like a Girl @blogslikeagirl Karen Ball Mrs. B’s Favorites @batgirl_books Danyelle Leach Bookshelves in the Cul-de–Sac   Second Round Jessica Tackett-MacDonald Her Life With Books @herlifewthbooks Louise Capizzo The Nonfiction Detectives @Lcapizzo Jennifer Rothschild Biblio File @kidsilkhaze Adrienne Gillespie Books and Bassets …

2014 Young Adult Speculative Fiction Judges

First Round Sheila Ruth Wands and Worlds @sheilaruth Karen Jensen Teen Librarian’s Toolbox @tlt16 Kim Baccellia Kim Baccellia @ixtumea Allie Jones In Bed With Books @wearedevilcow Kathy Burnette The Brain Lair @thebrainlair Maureen Kearney Confessions of a Bibliovore @mosylu Kimberly Francisco Stacked Books @kimberlymarief Second Round Tanita Davis Finding Wonderland Jennifer Rummel YA BookNerd @yabooknerd Cecelia Larsen Adventures of Cecelia …

2014 Young Adult Fiction Judges

First Round Leila Roy Bookshelves of Doom @bkshelvesofdoom William Polking Guys Lit Wire @polking Melissa Wiley Here in the Bonny Glen @melissawiley Andrea Lipinski Be a Better Booktalker Lyn Miller-Lachmann The Pirate Tree @lmillerlachmann Mindi Rench NextBestBook @mindi_r   Second Round Summer Kaleq MissFictional’s World of YA Books @Miss_Fictional Nicole Pelliccia The Book Bandit Blog @Book_Bandit Megan Alabaugh YA? Why …

2014 Graphic Novel Judges

First Round Alyssa Feller The Shady Glade Kristin Harvey The Book Monsters @bookgoil Liz Jones Lizjonesbooks @lizjonesbooks Nicola Mansfield It’s All Comic To Me @lilelizajane Sarah Sammis Puss Reboots @pussreboots Alysa Stewart Everead @everead Emma Weiler No Flying. No Tights   Second Round Leslie Darnell Omphaloskepsis @omphaloskepsisL Emily Mitchell Emily Reads @emilyreads Gina Ruiz AmoXcalli @ginaruiz Maria Selke Maria Selke …

Meet the Organizers: Stephanie Charlefour, Young Adult Nonfiction

A lifelong reader, some of Stephanie’s most vivid memories from her childhood are centered around books–from volunteering in her middle school library, curling up with a great book on a rainy day and sharing books with her best friends at recess. Now as a tween and teen librarian, Stephanie gets to share her love of reading focusing on those in …

Meet the Organizers: Jackie Parker, Young Adult Fiction

Jackie fully believes that her ability to consume great quantities of literature in short periods of time was first fostered by the elementary school program “Book It” which promised a button and free Pizza Hut to those who read enough. It served her well in college, and then again, in 2006 during the inaugural year of the Cybils. Since then, …

Review of the Day
Loving Will Shakespeare

Today’s book of the day is Loving Will Shakespeare, by Carolyn Meyer, a Young Adult Fiction title brought to us by Jackie from interactivereader. Jackie is a librarian who works with teens, and a prolific reader. She’s the interactive reader because she likes to share her feelings about whatever book happens to be passing through her hands. She blogs about …

Review of the Day
An Abundance of Katherines

Today’s review of the day is a title nominated for the Young Adult Fiction category: An Abundance of Katherines, by Printz-award winning author John Green. This review was cited by the author on his blog, where he called it "long and thoughtful (and nicely written, I think, although obviously I am biased because the review made me happy)". Who wrote …

The Nominations
Young Adult Fiction

I (Jen Robinson) was privileged to be the coordinator for this year’s Young Adult Fiction category. After reshuffling nominations better suited to the Middle Grade or Fantasy/Science Fiction categories, and dropping a few nominations that were not eligible for this year’s awards, we’re left with a marvelous list of 80 titles. Many thanks to everyone who contributed suggestions for this …

Hattie Big Sky

Today is YA day here at the Cybils, and who better to feature than our YA coordinator, Jen Robinson. While all our organizers are an enthusiastic, knowledgeable bunch, Jen’s business acumen and laser-beam focus has helped make the Cybils a professional, quality venture from the get-go. Plus, she’s an impassioned writer, and you quickly get sucked in by her direct, …