My very first time as a Cybils judge was in 2006, as a part of the Graphic Novels round 1 panel. I’ve participated every year since then (not always in Graphic Novels, but often), and one of my favorite aspects of Cybils judging is having the opportunity to read such an immense variety of books with intriguing, diverse characters and …
List Fun: Cybils Books with Latino Flair
I’m very passionate about diversity in YA and children’s literature. As a former bilingual teacher, I found a huge discrepancy on what was out there during the 1990s/2000s especially stories with Latin@ protagonists. This was the driving force behind me writing Earrings of Ixtumea which has a Latina protagonist being thrust into a parallel world where she has to confront the …
List Fun: Young Adult High Fantasy
Game of Thrones returns to television this week, and in celebration, here’s a list for those who can’t get enough high fantasy. The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (1997) defines high fantasy as “Fantasies set in Otherworlds, specifically Secondary Worlds, and which deal with matters affecting the destiny of those worlds.” In essence, high fantasy stories are set in fully imaginary worlds …
Review: Death Sworn
Young Adult Speculative Fiction Judge Cecelia, who blogs at Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia, is a voracious reader of all types of books, from adult down through middle grade. Back in April of last year she reviewed her category finalist Death Sworn, by Leah Cypess, writing: I own Leah Cypess’ two previous novels, but I never made a concerted effort to …
Review: Pointe
Today’s review of Young Adult Fiction finalist Pointe, by Brandy Colbert comes from round one panelist Brandy, who blogs at Whimscially Yours. She gushed about Pointe, writing: This is one of the best books I’ve ever read. I know. But, it’s the truth. You know how some books just speak to you? How from the moment you open them you know …
Review: Popular: Vintage Wisdom for the Modern Geek
Today’s review is by our YA Non-Fiction chair, Stephanie, who regularly blogs at Love. Life. Read. She reviewed YA Non-Fiction finalist Popular: Vintage Wisdom for the Modern Geek, by Maya Van Wagenen, writing: This memoir is often times hilarious, filled with trials and triumphs as Maya applies 1950’s advice to her modern life in the twenty first century. Highly readable and enjoyable, this …
Review: Shadow Hero
Today’s review of Graphic Novelist finalist Shadow Hero, by Gene Luen Yang comes from our former blog editor, and current go-to-person (when we need an extra helping hand), Sarah Stevenson. She blogs with friend and fellow author Tanita Davis at Finding Wonderland, where last summer they discussed this graphic novel. They wrote: Of course, readers all want to look for …
Review: The Living
Today’s review of Young Adult Speculative Fiction finalist The Living, by Matt De La Peña, comes from our very own social media guru, Jen Robinson. Jen has been blogging at Jen Robinson’s Book Reviews for nine years and has become an indispensable presence in the Kidlit community. She reviewed The Living a year ago, writing: The Living by Matt De La Peña …
Review: I’ll Give You the Sun
Today’s review comes from Teen Librarian YA Fiction judge Megan who blogs at YA? Why Not?. Back in August, Megan reviewed YA Fiction finalist I’ll Give You the Sun, by Jandy Nelson, writing: I’ll Give You the Sun is a stunningly beautiful story. Noah and Jude are vibrant, complex, and flawed characters. They leap off the page and come alive. Read …
Revew: Be a Changemaker
Today’s review is YA Non-fiction finalist Be a Changemaker, by Laurie Ann Thompson, reviewed by judge Louise over at The Nonfiction Detectives where she blogs with Book App chair Cathy. Louise wrote: I found this “how-to handbook” very useful. Thompson uses simple, direct language to explain how to take something you are passionate about and turn it into a reality. Readers will …