The featured blog review for today comes courtesy of my very own co-blogger at Finding Wonderland, Round 1 YA Speculative Fiction judge Tanita Davis. Tanita is a YA author, blogger, and woman of many talents, and a particularly perspicacious reviewer. Earlier this year, she wrote about YA Speculative Fiction nominee Landscape with Invisible Hand by M.T. Anderson: This novella-length satire …
REVIEW: Here Lies Daniel Tate
Calling all suspense fans! Today’s featured review looks at YA Fiction nominee Here Lies Daniel Tate by Cristin Terrill, a page-turning read about a young con artist who takes on more than he bargained for. Round 1 YAF judge Pamela Thompson, a YA librarian and book reviewer, wrote about this one on her blog Young Adult Books – What We’re …
REVIEW: Yvain: The Knight of the Lion
Our featured blog review for today is from returning Cybils Round 1 judge Benedict Hutchinson, who blogs at A Goblin Reviews Graphic Novels. (His mom is our very own EMSF chair Charlotte Taylor!) Earlier this year, Benedict reviewed YA Graphic Novels nominee Yvain: The Knight of the Lion written by M.T. Anderson and illustrated by Andrea Offermann. The art is …
Interview with Ruta Sepetys
How did you find out about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff, and what about it grabbed you as a subject suitable for YA historical fiction? My father’s cousin told me about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff. I was shocked that I had never heard of it. When I asked her how she came upon the story she told …
REVIEW: When the Moon Was Ours
Today we’re featuring a review of YA Speculative Fiction finalist title When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore. The review comes from Original Content, the long-running blog of Round 2 Speculative Fiction judge Gail Gauthier: “When the Moon Was Ours is elegantly written with lush language that’s carried through the whole work. In addition to being a Cybils finalist, …
REVIEWS: YA Graphic Novel Shortlist
Sometimes a roundup is good fun, and today we’re featuring a roundup of the YA Graphic Novels shortlist from Round 2 judge Kimberly Francisco. She put up nice, concise reviews of the YA shortlists on the blog Stacked, including this observation of finalist title Dare to Disappoint by Ozge Samanci: “Samanci’s graphic memoir tells of her childhood in Turkey in …
REVIEW: Bubonic Panic: When Plague Invaded America
The featured Cybils review for today is from the Middle Grade/Young Adult Nonfiction category: Bubonic Panic: When Plague Invaded America by Gail Jarrow. Librarian and Round 1 judge Kelly Jensen reviewed this one in the fall on her blog Stacked: “Those most susceptible to America’s bubonic plague were Asian immigrants, and the choices politicians made to slow down the spread …
REVIEW: The Serpent King
Our featured review for today looks at Young Adult Fiction finalist The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner, a debut novel that has already racked up quite a few awards, such as being a William C. Morris Award finalist. YA Fiction judge and Cybils regular Kim Baccellia reviewed it on Young Adult Books Central: “Dill and his fellow outcast friends must …
REVIEW: March: Book Three
On the occasion of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, it seems like the perfect time to feature March: Book Three, by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and illustrated by Nate Powell. March: Book Three is a finalist in this year’s YA Graphic Novels category, and it continues the compelling story of the civil rights movement as experienced by the iconic Congressman …
REVIEW: A Study in Charlotte
Our featured blog review for this January Monday comes courtesy of Round 2 YA Fiction judge Jessica Holland, who is a freelance fiction editor, writer, curriculum developer, and blogger at Tales Between the Pages. This past year, she reviewed YA Fiction Cybils finalist A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro: “Just when you think she’s a carbon copy of Sherlock, …