Young Adult Fiction Round one panelist Susan, who blogs at Blogging ’bout Books and on Goodreads, reviews today’s selection, Young Adult Fiction nominee The Downstairs Girl (Amazon, IndieBound). She writes: There’s a lot going on in this quick, entertaining YA historical. Maybe too much, but it’s still a compelling, fast-paced novel that I enjoyed very much. Read the whole review here. …
REVIEW: Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me
Today we’re looking at Young Adult Graphic Novel nominee Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (Amazon, IndieBound). Junior/Senior High Nonfiction judge Anne, who blogs at My Head is Full of Books, reviewed it over the summer, writing: Tamaki is a genius at understanding people, specifically teens. Read the full review here.
REVIEW: The Grace Year
We’re featuring a review of Young Adult Speculative Fiction nominee The Grace Year (Amazon, IndieBound) today, done by YA Speculative Fiction (or YA SpecFic as we tend to shorten it around here) panelist Jennifer, who is active on Goodreads. She wrote: If I could have read through my hands covering my face I would have. If you like horror, you’ll …
REVIEW: I Love You So Mochi
We love that our panelists love to read, not just in their own category, but all books! Today’s review comes from Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction panelist Nicole, who blogs at Feed Your Fiction Addiction, and read Young Adult Fiction nominee I Love You So Mochi (Amazon, IndieBound). She wrote: In I Love You So Mochi, author Sarah Kuhn has penned a delightfully …
REVIEW: The Faithful Spy
Today’s featured review was posted on YA Books Central a few months ago by category organizer and Junior/Senior High Nonfiction judge Karen Yingling, a middle school librarian who also blogs at Ms. Yingling Reads. Ms. Yingling reviewed Senior High Nonfiction finalist The Faithful Spy: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Plot to Kill Hitler by John Hendrix: The Faithful Spy is very …
REVIEW: The Prince and the Dressmaker
Our featured review for today comes from Cybils veteran and Graphic Novels Round 2 judge Kim Baccellia, an author and blogger who is also a staff reviewer at YA Books Central. Last year, she reviewed Young Adult Graphic Novels finalist The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang: Lush illustrations set in Paris are the backdrop where two very unlikely …
REVIEW: Darius the Great Is Not Okay
Our featured review for this Wednesday comes from Round 1 judge Adrienne Gillespie, a current 6th grade teacher and former school librarian who blogs at Books and Bassets. A few months ago she reviewed Young Adult Fiction finalist Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram: It was a perfect read for a weekend. I got lost on Darius’ …
REVIEW: Pitch Dark
Today’s featured blog review comes from our very own Cybils blog co-editor (and Young Adult Speculative Fiction judge) Melissa Fox, a bookseller and mom who blogs at The Book Nut. She recently reviewed YA Speculative Fiction finalist Pitch Dark by Courtney Alameda: I really liked this book. A lot. But I have NO idea how to describe it succinctly. See, …
REVIEW: The Grand Escape
Cybils veteran Karen Yingling of Ms. Yingling Reads is our featured blogger for today–besides being a middle school librarian and book reviewer for School Library Journal, she’s also been a category organizer for Cybils and is a Round 2 judge for Junior/Senior High Nonfiction. Recently, she reviewed Senior High Nonfiction finalist The Grand Escape: The Greatest Prison Breakout of the …
REVIEW: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
Are you as excited as we are by the impending reveal of the 2018 Cybils Finalists? Don’t forget to tune in to the blog tomorrow or follow us on Twitter for the big announcement! In the meantime, we have another featured review today from one of our Round 1 judges, Pamela Thompson McLeod, a writer, editorial intern, and reviewer from …