Our final review for the season (yay!) is of Young Adult Fiction finalist On The Come Up (Amazon, IndieBound). And because it’s the last one, here’s a review I did on my blog Book Nut. I wrote: Thomas is a talented writer, telling stories that not only are representative for the world around her and accessible to her target audience, but …
REVIEW: Mummies Exposed!
Today’s featured review is of Junior High Non-fiction finalist Mummies Exposed!: Creepy and True #1 (Amazon, IndieBound). Our reviewer is round one panelist Beth, who blogs at Library Chicken. About Mummies, she wrote: It’s cheerfully factual and ends with a discussion of the controversies in studying human remains. Read the whole review here.
REVIEW: Sorcery of Thorns
Today’s review of Young Adult Speculative Fiction finalist Sorcery of Thorns (Amazon, IndieBound) comes from round one panelist Grace, who blogs (both in writing and on video) at Gracegetsbooks. She says in her video: It is a love letter to book lovers everywhere. It’s for anyone who loved the Hogwarts library. It’s for anyone who just feels an awe for …
REVIEW: Internment
Today we’re looking at Young Adult Speculative Fiction finalist Internment (Amazon, IndieBound)! Our reviewer is round one panelist Jennifer, who blogs at Windy City Reader. She writes: There is so much discussion fodder in this one; I’d add it to a high school government class in a heartbeat. Read the whole review here.
REVIEW: With the Fire on High
Today’s review comes from Young Adult Fiction round 1 panelist Carmen, who writes reviews on Goodreads and has a brilliant Instagram account, Tomes and Textiles. She reviewed Young Adult Fiction finalist With the Fire on High (Amazon, IndieBound), writing: Any book that hypothesizes that women can be teen moms AND good moms gets all the praise from me. Read the whole …
Today we’re looking at poetry finalist Shout (Amazon, IndieBound)! It was reviewed by Round 2 Junior/Senior High Nonfiction judge Anne, who is a voracious reader and blogs at My Head is Full of Books. About Shout, she wrote: I like reading books written in verse, especially when the poetry is good, so I enjoyed my reading experience. I hope this book …
REVIEW: Dreamland
Today’s review comes from Junior/Senior High Non-Fiction Round 1 panelist Heidi, who blogs at GeoLibrarian. She reviewed Senior High finalist Dreamland (Amazon, IndieBound), writing: Dreamland does what all good narrative nonfiction does. It pulls the reader in, making them want to know more. I found the book compelling and powerful, as well as informative. Read the whole review here.
A. S. King’s Dig (Amazon, IndieBound) was originally nominated in Young Adult Fiction, but has since found a home in Young Adult Speculative Fiction. Before it was moved, Young Adult Fiction panelist Kara, who blogs at Great Imaginations, reviewed it: One thing I do have to mention though is that this is my first A.S. King novel, and it won’t be …
REVIEW: Cracking the Bell
Today we’re featuring the Young Adult Fiction nominee Cracking the Bell (Amazon, IndieBound). Young Adult Fiction chair Gary Anderson, who blogs at What’s Not Wrong, wrote: As Isaiah considers the life-or-death implications of continuing to play football after suffering concussions, Cracking the Bell honors those attitudes while leading young readers to consider how and when to move on and how to …
REVIEW: The Wicked King
We’re featuring Young Adult Speculative Fiction nominee The Wicked King (Amazon, IndieBound) today! Our review comes from Young Adult Speculative Fiction round one panelist Grace, who blogs at GraceGetsBooks. She writes: I read this book over spring break and I read the whole thing in a day. It’s amazing and I cannot wait for The Queen of Nothing, which by the way …