REVIEW: Votes for Women!: American Suffragists and the Battle for the Ballot

Our featured blog review for today was written by Round 1 Junior/Senior High Nonfiction judge Heidi Grange, an elementary school librarian and longtime Cybils participant who blogs at Geo Librarian. With elections in the news this month, it seems appropriate to look at Senior High Nonfiction nominee Votes for Women!: American Suffragists and the Battle for the Ballot by Winifred …

REVIEW: Alice Paul and the Fight for Women’s Rights

Cybils veteran and Round 1 judge Louise Capizzo of The Nonfiction Detectives brings us our featured blog review of the day–she’s Youth Services Manager at a library in Maine and has served on a number of awards committees, including ours! One of her reviews looked at Senior High Nonfiction finalist Alice Paul and the Fight for Women’s Rights: From the …

REVIEW: Girl Rising: Changing the World One Girl at a Time

Today’s featured blog review comes from one of our Round 1 judges in Junior/Senior High Nonfiction, Anne Bennett. Anne is a school librarian, YA lit fan, and book club enthusiast who blogs at My Head is Full of Books. Last month, she looked at Senior High Nonfiction nominee Girl Rising: Changing the World One Girl at a Time by Tanya …

Young Adult Non-fiction – Category Description

Young Adult Nonfiction is not known for being the most glamorous category, perhaps others might say that is fiction. The books in this category do take our readers on journeys and with these journeys; we have the added benefit with knowing they are true. We do not have to ask readers to suspend belief because we know that when we …

Meet the Organizers: Stephanie Charlefour, Young Adult Nonfiction

A lifelong reader, some of Stephanie’s most vivid memories from her childhood are centered around books–from volunteering in her middle school library, curling up with a great book on a rainy day and sharing books with her best friends at recess. Now as a tween and teen librarian, Stephanie gets to share her love of reading focusing on those in …