REVIEW: Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky

Today we’re looking at Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Amazon, IndieBound), an Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction nominee. It was reviewed by the category chair, Charlotte, who blogs at Charlotte’s Library. She wrote:   Wow!  This is so powerful, and sad, and important, and funny (in places), and the sort of book one wants to give to kids Right Now. …

REVIEW: The Wicked King

We’re featuring Young Adult Speculative Fiction nominee The Wicked King (Amazon, IndieBound) today! Our review comes from Young Adult Speculative Fiction round one panelist Grace, who blogs at GraceGetsBooks. She writes:  I read this book over spring break and I read the whole thing in a day. It’s amazing and I cannot wait for The Queen of Nothing, which by the way …

REVIEW: Dragon Pearl

Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction round one panel Beth recently highlighted today’s review of nominee Dragon Pearl (Amazon, IndieBound) on her blog Imaginary Friends. She wrote:  Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee combines Korean mythology, science fiction, and mystery in a terrific adventure story. Larrabee and I both loved it. Read the rest of the review here. 

REVIEW: The Grace Year

We’re featuring a review of Young Adult Speculative Fiction nominee The Grace Year (Amazon, IndieBound) today, done by YA Speculative Fiction (or YA SpecFic as we tend to shorten it around here) panelist Jennifer, who is active on Goodreads. She wrote:  If I could have read through my hands covering my face I would have. If you like horror, you’ll …

REVIEW All the Impossible Things

Today’s review of Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction nominee All the Impossible Things (Amazon, Indiebound) comes from round 1 panelist Jennifer, who blogs at RaiseThem Righteous. She writes:  All the Impossible Things (2019) swept me away like a discarded paper bag on a windy day. It’s a beautiful story that is skillfully written and carefully paced with brave characters who love each …

REVIEW: Inkling

Our featured blog review for today comes from Round 1 judge Dr. Cheryl Vanatti, an education specialist and former teacher in Florida who blogs at Reading Rumpus. One of the books she recently reviewed was Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction finalist Inkling by Kenneth Oppel: Inkling is a master class in personification. Taking an ink blot and not only giving it …

REVIEW: Pitch Dark

Today’s featured blog review comes from our very own Cybils blog co-editor (and Young Adult Speculative Fiction judge) Melissa Fox, a bookseller and mom who blogs at The Book Nut. She recently reviewed YA Speculative Fiction finalist Pitch Dark by Courtney Alameda: I really liked this book. A lot. But I have NO idea how to describe it succinctly. See, …

REVIEW: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein

Are you as excited as we are by the impending reveal of the 2018 Cybils Finalists? Don’t forget to tune in to the blog tomorrow or follow us on Twitter for the big announcement! In the meantime, we have another featured review today from one of our Round 1 judges, Pamela Thompson McLeod, a writer, editorial intern, and reviewer from …

REVIEW: Ghost Boys

Today’s featured review, I’ve just now realized, is from our third Jennifer in a row, Jenni Frencham–a Round 1 judge in Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction. She’s a blogger at From the Biblio Files, and earlier this year she reviewed Cybils nominee Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes on her Goodreads page: This book covers an obviously timely topic and includes references …

REVIEW: Honor Among Thieves

Cybils veteran, category organizer, and YA Speculative Fiction judge Charlotte Taylor wrote our featured review for today–a few weeks ago, she looked at YASF nominee Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre on her blog, Charlotte’s Library: There’s smart-alecky bantering to lighten the mood, some moments where I was deeply moved, and intellectual pleasure from guessing where the …