Charlotte Taylor has been fan of fantasy since she started reading round about the age of two (Lowly Worm is still a favorite hero). When not reading (mostly middle grade speculative fiction, but other things too), she is a professional archaeologist, mother of two boys, president of her local library’s Friends group, and co-renovator with her husband (ethnomusicologist and Irish piper) of an old and …
2008 Fantasy & Science Fiction Finalists
Elementary/Middle Grade: Cabinet of Wonderswritten by Marie Rutkoski Macmillan Petra Kronos lives in a small Czech village with her father, an artisan who can move metal with his mind and work with invisible tools. When her father is commissioned by the prince to build a marvelous clock, he goes off to Prague–and comes back blinded. The prince has stolen his …
The Lurkers
Our review of the day is by resident Sorceress of Fantasy, Michele Fry of Scholar’s Blog. Michele reads and reviews Fantasy titles for children and adults almost every day of the week. She’s also on the Cybils nominating committee for the, believe it or not, Fantasy category! Charles Butler’s brand new book, The Lurkers, is a disturbing tale of a …
I hope no one minds if I toot my own horn here. If you’re in the mood for fantasy (and given today’s realities, who isn’t?) check out my review at of Ursula Le Guin’s Voices, her veiled critique of the illiterate know-nothings who imperil our libraries. Except my normally fabulous editors wouldn’t let me call such morons "know-nothings" let …