Current list of 2014 nominations for the Poetry category.
Poetry – Category Description
Poetry is tiny but mighty in nominations. From words that rhyme, words that flow and shape emotions on all different topics to poetic forms, the Poetry Genre is home to a veritable stew of entries. These books will appeal to the very young, middle grade and/or young adults. What belongs in Poetry? Anthologies and poetry collections written by various authors or a single author …
2014 Poetry Judges
First Round Kelly Fineman Writing and Rumination @kellyfineman Nancy Bo Flood The Pirate Tree Jone Rush MacCulloch Check It Out @JoneMac53 Margaret Simon Reflections on the Teche @MargaretGSimon Tricia Stohr-Hunt The Miss Rumphius Effect @missrumphius Sylvia Vardell Poetry For Children @SylviaVardell Bridget Wilson What is Bridget Reading @bridgetrwilson Second Round Linda Baie Teacher Dance @LBaie Matt Forrest Esenwine Radio, …
Today is Poetry Friday across the kidlitosphere, and what better way to jazz up the day than with a collection on that very subject? Kelly R. Fineman celebrates this uniquely American music in her blog, and her review is short and sweet: I read much of Walter Dean Myers’s book, Jazz, while I was in the bookstore, and I simply …
Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow
Like many of our panelists and judges, Elaine Magliaro is a relative newcomer to blogging, having joined The Blue Rose Girls a few weeks ago. Just in time to help us out at Cybils! Elaine’s been known to write a verse or two of her own, so she’s a natural for reviewing poetry: In Butterfly Eyes, Joyce Sidman displays her …
Blackbeard, The Pirate King
Our entree today is Chicken Spaghetti, with a special order of poetry dished out by Susan: J. Patrick Lewis’s Blackbeard, the Pirate King wins the award for longest subtitle: "Several Yarns Detailing the Legends, Myths, and Real-Life Adventures of History’s Most Notorious Seaman." A pirate fan’s delight, needless to say. My second-grader and I loved the swashbuckling art. Read the …