REVIEW: Blue on Blue

Today’s featured review comes from Round 1 Fiction Picture Books judge Sandy Brehl, who blogs at Unpacking the POWER of Picture Books. She’s an Education Outreach presenter and writer, so her blog has a number of well-thought-out book lists on topics like Math Picture Books and Graphic Novels. She also posts reviews to Goodreads, and that’s where she reviewed today’s …

2014 New York Times Best Illustrated Books

It’s late on a Sunday afternoon, and I had almost forgotten in the busyness of the weekend that I wanted to highlight the Cybils nominees on the  2014 New York Times best illustrated books of the year!   The Baby Tree, by Sophie Blackall The Pilot and the Little Prince, by Peter Sis Hmmm…. I thought we had done better …

Review of the Day: Carrot Soup

While we wait for the nominations to close, the Cybils team brings you Reviews of the Day.  We pluck a title from the nominations and give it a read. Today, Kelly Herold (Big A little a) reviews Carrot Soup, by John Segal.  Carrot Soup is nominated in the Picture Book Fiction category. The hero of John Segal‘s Carrot Soup is …