Full STEAM Ahead: a #CYBILS2023 Book List

First things first: there is no such thing as “boy books” or “girl books.” Books are books. Kids are kids. And for young readers curiosity, fascinating stuff, and (possibly) great illustrations drive interest more than the identity of the main character. Space exploration, mythology, robotics, virtual reality … all equal-interest subjects. Now that we have that out of the way …

#CYBILS2023 Books by Previous Winners

Turning 18 has made us a bit nostalgic … and yet looking forward, too. That got us thinking … wouldn’t it be fun to see how many 2023 CYBILS Awards nominees are written by previous winners? So we dug into the archives to find which CYBILS Awards winners of yore who have new books being considered this year. Quite a …

Baked-In Book Deliciousness: A Foodie Book List

Want to know the yummiest thing about this book list? Aside from the celebration of all things food? That no matter the cuisine, food brings us together. From memories of a special dish to multi-generational stories, there is something for everyone’s taste here. All made delicious with a pinch of sweetness, a dash of humor, and a cup full of …

Twice-Told Tales: Retellings & Remixes a #CYBILS2023 Book List

Classics. The stories that are timeless and have been read and re-read for generations. Reading of Romeo and Juliet for ninth grade English doesn’t count, but what about Pride and Prejudice? Or Beowulf? Or children’s stories like the Three Little Pigs and nursery rhymes like Humpty Dumpty? Well, in 2023 those stories – and more – have been refreshed and …

Wee Ones Wednesday | #CYBILS2023 Book Reviews 11.22.23

Snuggle. Cherish. Sweet. Those are three words that popped out to us in the reviews we’re featuring this week. And, perfectly timed for tomorrow’s feasting: books about family and being together. Book summaries come from Goodreads. Click the book cover image to add it to your own TBR. BOARD BOOK Gina @ Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers – This charming board …

Backlist Book List: Back to School

Or should we say “Backpack Book List?” Back-to-school season is in full swing! Some students are already back in school, others are heading into their new classrooms in the coming days.  Some kids eased right back into the routine, others are still navigating their way. With that in mind, we dug into the CYBILS archive to find some books that …

#CYBILS2023 Recommendations from Terry Doherty

Can I let you in on a secret? I don’t read many books during the year. BUT. I do read lots of articles and blog posts. About books. Every day. So when CYBILS Awards nomination time rolls around, I have a handy-dandy list of books that fit my one criterion: each title looks like a book I’d have loved as …

LISTEN by Shannon Stocker #CYBILS 📚🎶

nonfiction book playlist

LISTEN: How Evelyn Glennie, A Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion by Shannon Stocker illustrated by Devon Holzwarth Dial Books Finalist – Elementary Nonfiction 2022 CYBILS Awards The Book Nonfiction Picture Book Disability, Picture Book, Music The illustrations of music, sound, and rhythm in this biography of a famous percussionist almost seem to boom in your ears as you read this; seeing …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List Summer: It’s a Wrap

Last week we posted our last Backlist Book List for 2021. We hope you have had as much fun exploring the curated lists as we had in creating them! Nine lists: 6 read-alike lists, 3 themed lists.  Ten years of nominations, finalists, and winners. 154 recommended books for readers toddler to teen. What made them particularly fun was discovering books …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Dino-might

cybils awards dinosaur books

Does anyone else remember that one-word exclamation from a 1970s show called Good Times? Here’s a little trivia for you: Jimmie Walker, the character who used that phrase, also used it in a series of Panasonic commercials for, wait for it … cassettes and 8-track tapes. [Source: Wikipedia] So, as you’ve probably already guessed, our “din-o-might” is a bit different …