Need a Nomination Suggestion?

We are about halfway through the nominating period, and the judges and organizers have come up with lists of great books that we’d really love to see nominated. If you haven’t put your two cents in on the nominating form, please consider using one of these suggestions.  From Stacked Books, a list of YA Speculative Fiction A list of fiction picture …

The 2015 Cybils are OPEN!

Welcome to the TENTH annual Cybils awards! The nominations are now open! Some quick reminders: First off,  be sure to check out our category descriptions. If you don’t know where the book should go, please read through the descriptions to help you decide. If you’re still not quite sure, make your best guess, and we can straighten things out behind the scenes. Take a minute …

Nominations Open TOMORROW

If you’re anything like me (which I know you’re not, but roll with it for a minute), you’ve been scrolling through your Goodreads list of books you’ve read since the last Cybils nomination cycle, writing down your favorites (and second and third favorites) so that when the Cybils nomination form goes live at midnight pacific time on October 1, you’re …

Nominations Now Closed

You blew it. You had your chance to nominate, and now it’s gone. You missed the boat, you’re out of time, past deadline, unpunctual, late. Done, finished, kaput. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but nominations are now closed. Of course, if you nominated a book or few, we’re delighted. We collected  more than 880 nominations altogether …

So You Need a Book to Nominate?

Your favorite book got nominated already, the nominations close TOMORROW, and you don’t know what to do? We’re here to help! A number of bloggers have complied lists of books that haven’t been nominated (yet), but deserve to be. Feel free to pick and choose from their lists! Nominations close tomorrow, October 15, so you do need to hurry. Theres …

And…. GO! 2014 Cybils Nominations are OPEN

Welcome to the NINTH annual Cybils awards! You can now go and nominate any book to your heart’s content. Well… maybe not ANY book. So here are a few things to get you started: First off,  be sure to check out our category descriptions. If you’re not sure where your book should go, PLEASE check these out. If you’re not quite sure, …