Inventive, wild, and wonderful–great speculative fiction for kids just keeps on coming! Along with the obvious wizards and aliens, this category includes books with talking animals, time-travel, ghosts, and paranormal abilities, and all the other books that might not have obvious magic or travel to distant planets, but which push past the boundaries of daily life into the realm of …
Elementary/Middle Grade Non-fiction – Category Description
Nonfiction is the perfect way to introduce elementary and middle grade kids to the amazing world around them from history and biography to art and nature. Science? Math? Animals? Sports? It’s all here and more besides! We’re looking for titles that are suitable for reading aloud or independently, including picture books and early chapters (nonfiction easy readers go to the easy reader category). We …
2014 Graphic Novel Judges
First Round Alyssa Feller The Shady Glade Kristin Harvey The Book Monsters @bookgoil Liz Jones Lizjonesbooks @lizjonesbooks Nicola Mansfield It’s All Comic To Me @lilelizajane Sarah Sammis Puss Reboots @pussreboots Alysa Stewart Everead @everead Emma Weiler No Flying. No Tights Second Round Leslie Darnell Omphaloskepsis @omphaloskepsisL Emily Mitchell Emily Reads @emilyreads Gina Ruiz AmoXcalli @ginaruiz Maria Selke Maria Selke …
2014 Elementary/Middle Grade Non-Fiction Judges
First Round Ellen Zschunke On The Shelf 4 Kids @ontheshelf4kids Carol Wilcox Carol W’s Corner @carwilc Reshama Deshmukh Stacking Boooks @Stackingbks Margo Tanenbaum Fourth Musketeer Andi Sibley A Wrung Sponge @AndiSibley Elisa Bergslien Leopards and Dragons @DNAPL Carrie Waterson IMCPL Kids’ Blog IMCPL Ready to Read Second Round Laurie Ann Thompson @lauriethompson Alyson Beecher Kid Lit Frenzy @alybee930 …
2014 Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction Judges
First Round Sondra Eklund Sonderbooks @Sonderbooks Sherry Early Semicolon @semicolonblog Maureen Eichner By Singing Light @elvenjaneite Cindy Hannikman Fantasy Book Critic Katy Kramp A Library Mama @alibrarymama Brandy Painter Random Musings of a Bibliophile @brandymuses Charlotte Taylor Charlotte’s Library @charlotteslib Second Round Hayley Beale Bibliobrit Melissa Fox Book Nut @book_nut Sarah Potvin Librarian of Snark @librarianosnark Tasha Saecker Waking …
2014 Middle Grade Fiction Judges
First Round Mark Buxton Buxton’s Blog O’ Books Earl Dizon The Chronicles of a Children’s Book Writer @ea12l Rosemary Kiladitis Mom Read It @roesolo Kyle Kimmal The Boy Reader @theboyreader Deb Marshall Read Write Tell @debamarshall Brenda Tjaden Log Cabin Library @LogCabinLibrary Karen Yingling Ms. Yingling Reads @msyingling Second Round Alex Baugh Randomly Reading @randomlyreading Terry Doherty Family Bookshelf @thereadingtub …
Meet the Organizers: Stephanie Charlefour, Young Adult Nonfiction
A lifelong reader, some of Stephanie’s most vivid memories from her childhood are centered around books–from volunteering in her middle school library, curling up with a great book on a rainy day and sharing books with her best friends at recess. Now as a tween and teen librarian, Stephanie gets to share her love of reading focusing on those in …
Meet the Organizers: Charlotte Taylor, Elementary and Middle Grade Speculative Fiction
Charlotte Taylor has been fan of fantasy since she started reading round about the age of two (Lowly Worm is still a favorite hero). When not reading (mostly middle grade speculative fiction, but other things too), she is a professional archaeologist, mother of two boys, president of her local library’s Friends group, and co-renovator with her husband (ethnomusicologist and Irish piper) of an old and …
The Ones that Got Away: Favorites that Didn’t Make the Shortlists
Our 2013 shortlists are fabulous. But, as is the case every year, some of our Round 1 panelists mourn the ones that got away. These are the titles that they loved, but that for one reason or another didn't make it onto the shortlists. So, if the finalists don't offer a sufficient number of reading suggestions for you, try these …
Tales of the Cryptids
Not only will we be featuring fantastic books every day, but fun bloggers too. Meet Loree Griffin Burns, a panelist for the Middle Grade/YA non-fiction list who proves that while this may be one of the smaller categories, it doesn’t lack for offbeat gems like Tales of the Cryptids: This meaty middle-grade non-fiction title takes readers on an adventure in …