Today’s review of National Book award longlisted and Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative fiction nominated Greenglass House, by Kate Milford comes from longtime Cybils volunteer, Sherry. A homeschoooling mom and avid reader, she blogs at Semicolon. She also hosts the Saturday Review of Books, which is a great place to find reviews all over the book blogs. About Greenglass House, she writes: I …
Review: The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher
Today’s review of Middle Grade Fiction nominee The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher, by Dana Levy comes from Middle Grade second round judge, Alex. An avid reader and a teacher, Alex has enjoyed reading since the age of four. Of the Fletchers, she writes: Everyone I know who has read Dana Levy’s The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher agrees that the …
Review: Viva Frida
A first-round Elementary/Middle Grade Non-fiction panelist, librarian and parent, Ellen, still manages to find time to blog at On the Shelf 4 Kids. She recently read nominee Elementary/Middle Grade nonfiction nominee Viva Frida, by Yuyi Morales. She writes: I like the way the visuals flow through Frida’s boisterous life and into a dreamlike state. Much like the wounded deer she often …
Review: Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle
New first round Middle Grade fiction panelist, Brenda, who blogs at Log Cabin Library. A speech pathologist by profession, she says has a weakness for middle grade fiction with pretty covers and fairy-tale retellings. She reviewed the Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative fiction nominee Gabriel Finely and the Raven’s Riddle by George Hagen, saying: Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle is also about being …
Review: Colors of the Wind
Today’s review comes from Elementary/Middle Grade Non-Fiction round one panelist Reshama, at Stacking Books. I have to admit I featured this 1) because I met Reshama at KidlitCon last week and she’s delightful and 2) I met the author of this book at KidlitCon last week and she’s delightful as well. Of Colors of the Wind, Reshama writes: This is …
2014 Nominations: Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction
Current list of 2014 nominations for the Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction category.
2014 Nominations: Middle Grade Fiction
Current list of 2014 nominations for the Middle Grade Fiction category.
2014 Nominations: Elementary/Middle-Grade Nonfiction
Current list of 2014 nominations for the Elementary/Middle-Grade Nonfiction category.
Young Adult Non-fiction – Category Description
Young Adult Nonfiction is not known for being the most glamorous category, perhaps others might say that is fiction. The books in this category do take our readers on journeys and with these journeys; we have the added benefit with knowing they are true. We do not have to ask readers to suspend belief because we know that when we …