List Fun: Fun and Funny Fantasy Read Alouds for the Whole Family

Family story time is a special time and if, like me, you have a wide span of years between your kids, finding a book that will satisfy all those young minds and hearts can be a challenge. Here are some books that combine fun adventure and humor sure to appeal and entertain everyone from the youngest kids able to listen …

Review: Abby Spencer Goes to Bollywood

Today’s review comes again from one of our prolific Middle Grade Fiction panelists and bloggers, Brenda, who blogs at Log Cabin Library. Of Middle Grade Fiction finalist Abby Spencer Goes to Bollywood, by Varsha Bajaj. She writes: Through Abby the reader is able to experience traveling to a new country and a new culture.  I had the pleasure of living in …

Review: Jupiter Pirates: Hunt for the Hydra

Today’s featured review of Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction finalist Jupiter Pirates: Hunt for the Hydra, by Jason Fry comes from the category chair, Charlotte. She blogs at Charlotte’s Library where she is an incredible resource for elementary/middle grade speculative fiction books. Of the finalist, she writes: Jupiter Pirates: Hunt For the Hydra, by Jason Fry (HarperCollins, Dec. 2013), is the best “kid …

Review: Handle With Care

Today’s review is from Carrie, who blogs at the Indianapolis Public Library Kids’ Blog, which is a blog highlighting books that they think kids will like. The reviews are directed at the kids who will be reading the books, so they are short and to the point. Carrie recently reviewed the Elementary/Middle Grade Non-Fiction finalist Handle With Care: An Unusual …

Review: The Meaning of Maggie

Middle Grade Fiction panelist Jennifer is not only a long-time, hard-working panelist, but is also the managing editor of 5 minutes for Books, which highlights everything from picture books through adult fiction. Over the summer, she reviewed Middle Grade Fiction finalist The Meaning of Maggie, by Megan Jean Sovern, writing: The Meaning of Maggie is a fun heartfelt book. I love …

Review: Boys of Blur

Today’s featured review is of Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction finalist Boys of Blur by N. D. Wilson. It was featured on quite a few blogs, but I think EMFSF panelist Brandy, blogging over at Random Musings of a Bibliophile said it best: The imagery and descriptiveness of the book are pretty much perfect. As I read, I felt like I …

Review: Feathers: Not Just For Flying

Today’s review comes from Carol, a round one Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction panelist, who blogs at Carol’s Corner. She reviewed finalist Feathers: Not Just for Flying, by Melissa Stewart, writing: Great for a lesson on birds, animal adaptations, metaphor, or capturing information on illustrations! Or just plain reading and enjoying! Read the rest of the review here.

Review: Dorothy’s Derby Chronicles: Rise of the Undead Readhead

Today’s review is of the middle grade fiction nominee Rise of the Undead Redhead, by Meghan Dougherty. It was reviewed by Rosemary, a round one Middle Grade Fiction panelist, who blogs at Mom Read It. She writes: Where was this series when I was a kid, watching late-night roller derby on off-network TV and hitting the roller rinks with my friends …

Review: Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor

Perhaps it was because I was just listening to the PW Kidscast interview with Jon Scieszka but that drew me to the Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative fiction nominee Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor.  Thankfully, Ms. Yingling, the Middle Grade fiction chair, librarian, and super blogger (at Ms. Yingling Reads) reviewed the book. She wrote: It is a rare book that includes BOTH …

Review: Dare the Wind

Round one panelist Sondy, blogging over at Sonderbooks where she blogs about a wide range of books, has our review today of Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction nominee Dare the Wind: The Record-breaking Voyage of Eleanor Prentiss and the Flying Cloud, by Tracey Fern. Sondy writes: How wonderful! A nineteenth century young woman navigated clipper ships for her sea captain husband and actually …