REVIEW: The Fog Diver

Today’s featured review comes from the blog Log Cabin Library, which is the online home of Round 1 judge Brenda Tjaden, on the panel this year for Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction. Brenda is a speech language pathologist by day, as well as an aspiring novelist with a particular interest in middle grade books. A few months ago, she reviewed EMSF …

REVIEW: Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall

Our blog review of the day looks at Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction finalist Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall by Anita Silvey. This fascinating look at the life of the naturalist who brought chimpanzees into the limelight makes a fascinating contrast to the graphic novel Primates, says EMNF category chair Jennifer Wharton. She reviewed the book last summer on her …

REVIEW: The Blackthorn Key

Brandy Painter of the blog Random Musings of a Bibliophile brings us our review of today’s featured finalist: The Blackthorn Key by Kevin Sands. Brandy teaches grade school and high school literature and English in Tennessee, and keeps some fantastic YA and middle grade book lists (and links to reviews) on her blog. A few months ago, she reviewed The …

REVIEW: Castle Hangnail

Our featured blog review for this Monday is Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction finalist Castle Hangnail by Ursula Vernon, who is well known for her Dragonbreath series of graphic novels. This review from last spring comes from Stephanie Whelan, a New York Public Librarian who blogs at Views from the Tesseract. Stephanie, one of our Round 1 judges this year, has …

REVIEW: Guts and Glory: The Vikings

One of the coolest things about Roberta Gibson’s blog Wrapped in Foil is that she’s got a list of children’s books by state, from Alabama to Wyoming, along with brief descriptions of each book. Our featured review today–Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction finalist Guts & Glory: The Vikings by Ben Thompson—may not exactly fit on that list, but it did make the …

REVIEW: Hilda Bewildered

Cool fact about Round 1 Book Apps judge Jill Goodman: as a faculty member at University of Central Florida Department of Education, she serves on the dissertation committees of students doing their theses on apps in early childhood education. She also reviews book apps at Participate Learning, which is where she reviewed Book Apps finalist Hilda Bewildered: “There are few …

REVIEW: Finding the Worm

Today’s review was written by Round 2 Middle Grade Fiction judge Greg Pattridge, a teacher, consultant and writer who blogs at Always in the Middle. Earlier this year, he reviewed MG Fiction nominee Finding the Worm, the sequel to Twerp by Mark Goldblatt. About this coming-of-age story, Greg said: “This sequel, set in 1969-70, has Julian at age 13 returning to …

REVIEW: Sunny Side Up

Today’s featured review has a little bit of sunshine for you: Sunny Side Up, a graphic novel for elementary and middle grade readers by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm, the team behind Babymouse. Our reviewer is Alex Baugh, a Round 2 judge in Middle Grade Fiction this year. Alex is a former 4th grade teacher and historical fiction enthusiast …

REVIEW: Bayou Magic

Our featured review for today was written by Katy Kramp, who is a public librarian and Round 1 judge for Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction this year. She blogs at alibrarymama, and features books that span the age range from board books all the way to adult. A few months ago she reviewed Bayou Magic by Jewell Parker Rhodes, a magical …

REVIEW: Blackbird Fly

Our featured review for today comes from the blog Tween You & Me, and Middle Grade Fiction Round 1 judge Pamela Groseclose. She’s a Youth Services Associate for a library in Missouri, and she’s got the library in her veins: her parents met in a library and went on their first date shortly after they were kicked out for being …