REVIEW: Spirit Hunters

Round 1 Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction judge Katy Kramp is a public librarian who blogs at A Library Mama, and she brings us our featured review of the day. A couple of months ago she reviewed finalist title Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh: Here’s a super-creepy book by We Need Diverse Books founder Ellen Oh for those who want to …

REVIEW: Beyond the Bright Sea

Our featured Cybils review for today comes from Round 2 Middle Grade Fiction judge Tara Smith, a sixth grade teacher in suburban New Jersey who blogs at A Teaching Life. Over the summer, she looked at Middle Grade Fiction nominee Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk: On the surface, Beyond The Bright Sea reads like is a suspenseful mystery, …

REVIEW: Beastly Brains

If you’re looking for a last-minute gift idea for nonfiction-loving kids in your life, an animal book is almost always a hit–today’s review looks at Junior High Nonfiction nominee Beastly Brains: Exploring How Animals Think, Talk, and Feel by Nancy Castaldo. Round 1 judge Rebecca G. Aguilar, a writer and avid reader who blogs at Mostly About Nonfiction, reviewed this …

REVIEW: All’s Faire in Middle School

Today’s featured review looks at a new Middle Grade Graphic Novel nominee from 2015 Cybils winner Victoria Jamieson. Her newest book is All’s Faire in Middle School, and if you’re a Renaissance Faire fan, you won’t want to miss it. Round 1 judge Corrina Allen, who is a podcaster at Books Between and blogger at All the Wonders, reviewed this …

REVIEW: Ghosts of Greenglass House

The co-editor of this very blog, Melissa Fox, is also a Round 1 judge this year in Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction. Melissa is a bookseller, mom, and reader in Kansas who blogs at The Book Nut (and, of course, here!). A couple of months ago she reviewed Ghosts of Greenglass House by Kate Milford, the sequel to Greenglass House and …

REVIEW: Stef Soto, Taco Queen

Happy December! I’m especially excited about today’s featured nominee because the author lives in my area. Reviewed by Cybils veteran and Round 1 judge Sarah Sammis of Puss Reboots, Stef Soto, Taco Queen by Jennifer Torres is a nominee this year in Middle Grade Fiction. Sarah reviewed it earlier this year and said: Stef Soto, Taco Queen by Jennifer Torres …

REVIEW: Fish Girl

The featured blog review of the day looks at a nominee in the Elementary/Middle Grade Graphic Novels category: Fish Girl by David Wiesner and Donna Jo Napoli. Earlier this year, Fish Girl was reviewed by one of our Round 1 judges, Mel Schuit, a picture book author and illustrator who blogs at All the Wonders and Let’s Talk Picture Books. …

REVIEW: Elizabeth and Zenobia

Our featured reviewer for today, Jenna Grose, is a Round 2 Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction judge and aspiring librarian from Canada. She blogs about a variety of books for children and adults at her blog, Falling Letters. Elizabeth and Zenobia by Jessica Miller is a nominee that follows the spooky Gothic tradition; in her review, Jenna said: A delightful tale …

REVIEW: The Search for Olinguito

Cybils veteran and Round 1 Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction judge Carol Wilcox is the author of today’s featured review. Carol, an educator and mom, has been blogging at Carol’s Corner since 2007. Yesterday, she posted about Middle Grade Nonfiction nominee The Search for Olinguito: Discovering a New Species by Sandra Markle: Markle follows the scientists’ journey with an an engaging story …

REVIEW: Amina’s Voice

As someone who has relatives from India and Pakistan, I’ve really been wanting to read Middle Grade Fiction nominee Amina’s Voice by Hena Khan. After reading a review on Round 2 judge Alex Baugh’s blog, Randomly Reading, I’m even more excited to read it. According to Alex: Amina’s Voice is one of the first novels to come out of the …