Review: Kinda Like Brothers

Mark, a sixth grade language arts teacher, first round Middle Grade Fiction panelist,  and one of the few male presences around the Cybils blogs at the wonderfully alliterative Buxton’s Blog O’ Books. He recently reviewed  Kinda Like Brothers, by Coe Booth, writing: Many books deal with stepfamilies, but foster children are kind of like temporary stepfamilies. Devon is treated like …

Middle Grade Fiction – Category Description

Middle grade fiction encompasses a wide range of stories that do not have magical elements and are geared toward the 8 to 12 year old age group. These stories could be mysteries, histories, humor, sports, adventure and other tales set in the real world. Middle Grade readers’ tastes and reading abilities can vary widely, and getting them a book that …

Meet the Organizers: Karen Yingling, Middle Grade Fiction

A middle aged, middle school librarian from the Midwest, I’ve been blogging since 2006 at Ms. Yingling Reads. When first hired at my school, I vowed to read every hard cover fiction book in the library so that it’s easier to get the right book for the right child at the right time. It was sad when I finished because …