#Cybils2022 Book Lists: Knights and Dragons

There aren’t as many books about dragons and knights this year as in the past, but there was one that captured my fancy (and the fancy of all the booksellers at the store I work): Knight Owl. So I was quite tickled when it made the fiction picture book finalist list. I am not above admitting that I’ve created this …

#CybilsAwards Book Lists: Celebrating Religion and Faith

A Happy Christmas to all those who celebrate today! As a nod to the holiday, and to be more inclusive, I thought we’d celebrate all the books that embrace religion and faith – no matter what it is – in some way. Enjoy this!   Piece by Piece: The Story of Nisrin’s Hijabby Priya Huq Harry N Abrams   Huda …

#CybilsAwards Book List: Bird Books

As a bookseller, I (sometimes) notice trends in children’s books, and this year it has seemed to me that there have been a LOT of birding books. (This is not just in kids books; we have a TON of bird books for adults too!) I don’t know if it was the pandemic that made everyone interested in birds and birding, …

#CybilsAwards Booklist: Libraries

I am a sucker for books about books and libraries, and there’s quite a handful this year. Though, it seems like it leans younger this year – not too many books for middle grade and YA books about libraries. What we need are more adventures in enchanted libraries out there. Get to work, publishers and authors! Until then, enjoy these! …

#CybilsAwards Book Lists: Classic Tales Retold

In my searching through the nominations/submissions, looking for theme ideas, I noticed that there were a lot of books this year that were retelling or expanding upon classic stories. There are some really fun retellings on this list. Enjoy! Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix by Anna-Marie McLemore Feiwel & Friends Travelers Along the Way: A Robin Hood Remix by …

#CybilsAwards Book Lists: Moon and Sky

I’m a bit late for the eclipse that happened back in October, or even the full moon this month, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to highlight the moon (and sky) books! I got pretty literal with this list: if “moon” or “sky” was in the title, it went on the list. Moonlight Prance by Serena Gingold Allen, illustrated …

#CybilsAwards Book Lists: Indigenous Voices

It’s Native American Heritage Month, and like last year we want to celebrate the Native Voices books that were  nominated or submitted this year. It’s a good list. Enjoy! Powwow Day by Traci Sorell, illustrated by Madelyn Goodnight Charlesbridge Berry Song by Michaela Goade Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Sky Wolf’s Call: The Gift of Indigenous Knowledge by Eldon …

#CybilsAward Book List: Civic Engagement

Election day was last Tuesday, and whatever you feel about the outcome, there is one thing I have noticed: there are more books talking about civil rights, voting, community building, sustainable living, environmentalism, and activism for kids! We thought we’d feature a few that were nominated this year. This Little Voter by Ann Bonnie, Illustrated by Carol Herring little bee …

#CybilsAwards Book List: Forests!

I love fall (honestly: who doesn’t): the changing colors, the crisp air, the falling leaves. And there’s something about fall that makes me want to take a walk through a forest. (I’m usually a beach person!) There’s so much to enjoy in a forest, and here is a collection of our current 2022 nominees and submissions to celebrate all things …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Aliens!

For our last Backlist Booklist of the summer (keep an eye out; the call for judges for our 2022 season is coming soon!) I thought we’d tackle aliens. Maybe it’s because Jordan Peele’s Nope is in the theaters, or because the solution to Wordle the other day was Alien (got it in three!), or because of the images from the …