start here 2023 WINNER The Mona Lisa Vanishes: A Legendary Painter, a Shocking Heist, and the Birth of a Global Celebrity Nicholas Day, illustrated by Brett Helquist Random House Studio Nominated by: KtStar Hilary @ Goodreads – Loved this. Day writes in a style that is irrestistable to the middle grade reader and never ceases to fascinate. The saying that reality …
Book Reviews: #CYBILS2023 Poetry Novel In Verse Finalists
Can a middle-grade verse novel about table tennis bring adults to tears? Yes. [Did you notice we said “adults” – plural.] If you are looking for fresh, captivating, thought-provoking, laugh-out-loud books, look no further than this year’s list of Poetry Novel in Verse finalists. While the books themselves are labeled for “middle grade” and “young adult” audiences, it is pretty …
The IN be-TWEEN | #CYBILS2023 Reviews 02.07.2024
One week, friends! Just one more week until the 2023 CYBILS Awards winners are announced. You probably already added the finalists and winners to your TBR, and that’s cool, but our judges read A LOT of great books that, while not award winners, will definitely be winners with young readers. Yes, even picky tween readers. x See for yourself. Book …
The IN be-TWEEN | #CYBILS2023 Reviews 01.30.2024
ttttt Summaries excerpted from Goodreads. Click the cover to read the full summary, other reviews, and add these books to your TBR. FICTION Jessica @ Cracking the Cover – You might know Chad Morris and Shelly Brown from their previous collaborations. All are strong middle grade novels. I enjoyed them all. But The Wild Journey of Juniper Berry is my favorite. …
The IN be-TWEEN | #CYBILS2023 Reviews 01.10.24
Wednesday. That day in the middle between weekends!! See where we’re going here? The perfect day to share books for tweens, aka the middle-grade audience. The weekly collection will include selections from the Middle-Grade Fiction, Middle-Grade Nonfiction, Elementary/Middle-Grade Graphic Novel, and Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction, and Poetry categories. Book summaries from Goodreads. Click the book cover to view the full summary …
Nonfiction Tuesday | #CYBILS2023 Book Reviews 12.26.2023
Tell us. What do these three things have in common: extraterrestrials, a Jewish musician, and a conspirator to kill the President of the United States. You guessed it! Each of them is the subject of a 2023 CYBILS Awards nonfiction nominee! Debbie’s Song is a picture book biography for an elementary audience. Both Is There Anybody Out There? and Hanged! …
Middle-Grade Monday | #CYBILS2023 Book Reviews 12.25.2023
Thanks to the magic of scheduling, we can share reviews AND spend time with family and friends. That’s our kind of multi-tasking. Navigating tweendom is neither straightforward, predictable, nor easy. Yet the “process”of trying to figure out who you are is universal, whether it’s 1905 or 2023. In the historical fiction novel A Sky Full of Song, Soshana is a …
SpecFic Saturday | #CYBILS2023 Reviews 12.23.2023
What do the disappearance of a grandfather and vanishing letters have in common? They are at the heart of two captivating speculative fiction stories that take readers deep into page-turning stories of family ties, secrets, and the power of love. ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE-GRADE SPECULATIVE FICTION Mark @ Mark My Words – This book focuses on the haunted Finch House and the author …
Poetry Friday | #CYBILS2023 Book Reviews 12.22.2023
This week’s featured poetry books tap into “childish things” that are timely, timeless, and as engaging for adult readers as they are for the intended audience. There is that sense of wonder that comes with the lights, decorations, and all things abstract or unseen during the dawn of the winter season. Then there is the magic of it all … …
Nonfiction Tuesday | #CYBILS2023 Book Reviews 12.19.2023
Welcome to Nonfiction Tuesday. Hope you brought a bookmark (or two or three). This week’s selections will captivate readers across a full spectrum of subjects and emotion. We are going to deep, dark places both physical (the Mariana Trench) and intangible (victim trauma). We’ll observe creatures most beautiful (birds) and humans at their ugliest (racism, sexism). Spend time lingering over …