2023 CYBILS Judges: Graphic Novel Panels

CHAIR: Kristen HarveyGraphic Novels (aka comics) are not just for reluctant readers. Complex storytelling with a rich combination of illustrations, color choices, and story-telling styles render information in new and interesting ways. They have evolved into a beloved genre of reading format and evolved into a unique form of story-telling. The sub-genres within Graphic Novels has also evolved, and there …

Graphic Novels & More: #CYBILS2023 Recommendations from Kristen Harvey

kristen harvey 2023 recommendations

Okay, comics fans! Are you ready to topple that TBR? Don’t you just love that visual (pun intended)! This week’s list of Boy-I-Hope-These-Get-Nominated titles includes fiction and nonfiction, realism and fantasy, and starts with a learn-to-draw title! Introducing Kristen Harvey Kristen has participated in the CYBILS Awards since 2013 and is returning for her third year at the helm of …


Because graphic novels by their nature engage readers on multiple sensory levels. When a story is told through pictures, there is more on the page for readers to explore, and having “background music” can add to the reading experience exponentially. WHEN STARS ARE SCATTERED by Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed illustrated by Victoria Jamieson and Iman Geddy Dial Books Finalist …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Turn Up the Music

Welcome to the Cybils Awards off-season! We’ve had so much great response to our booklists that we are going run themed lists twice a month, made up of past Cybils nominees, finalists and winners. If you’d like to participate, email us a themed list of your favorite books to blogeditor@cybils.com. If you need help thinking of books check out our …

2021 Panelists and Judges: Graphic Novels

Cybils Awards

Round 1  Rosemary Kiladitis Mom Read It  Twitter: @roesolo Instagram: @roesolo Tiffany Sorenson Provo Library Children’s Book Blog Jennifer Rummel YA Book Nerd  Twitter: @yabooknerd Instagram: @yabooknerdlibrarian Anne Wilson Mount Prospect Public Library  Kristen Harvey The Book Monsters  Goodreads Twitter: @bookgoil Instagram: @bookgoil Round 2 Helen Murdoch Helen’s Book Blog  Twitter: @hcmurdoch Instagram: @hcmurdoch Cheriee Weichel Library Matters  Twitter: @CherieeWeichel …

NEW Graphic Novels Chair: Kristen Harvey

Kristen Harvey is an elementary school Library Media Specialist in the suburbs of Chicago and has worked with diverse populations for over 10 years. From a young age, she dreamed of becoming a librarian and while training to become a teacher in college she spent her time working in a variety of public and college libraries. For several years she …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Dino-might

cybils awards dinosaur books

Does anyone else remember that one-word exclamation from a 1970s show called Good Times? Here’s a little trivia for you: Jimmie Walker, the character who used that phrase, also used it in a series of Panasonic commercials for, wait for it … cassettes and 8-track tapes. [Source: Wikipedia] So, as you’ve probably already guessed, our “din-o-might” is a bit different …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Pivoting Pandemic Reads

science books fo kids

It’s either emblematic of the COVID-19 pandemic or the most over-used word of 2020. Either way, we couldn’t resist using it for this week’s Backlist Book List! We promise it is more riveting than pivoting. Laurie Halse Anderson’s award-winning book Fever 1793 was published in 2000, six years before the Cybils Awards launched. It is a historical fiction novel about …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List for #SharkWeek 🦈

kid books for shark week

First let’s mark our calendar: July 11, 2021. Shark Week. Less than two weeks away. You probably already know that #SharkWeek was created by the Discovery channel, but did you know … Caged in Fear, the first Shark Week episode, premiered on 17 July 1988? Sometimes Shark Week is in August, not July? From 2005-2011 shark lovers could purchase DVD …

Backlist Book List: #STEM + #DiverseBooks For Young Creators

In 2019, Frankie Sparks and the Class Pet by Megan Frazer Blakemore won the Cybils Award in the Early Chapter Book. In selecting Frankie Sparks as a finalist, the panelists said:     … This promising first book in a series will have children learning about animals, design thinking, and emotional intelligence while turning the pages to meet the new pet. …