Review: The Tea Dragon Festival

We’re looking at the elementary/middle grade Graphic Novel finalist The Tea Dragon Festival (Amazon, IndieBound) today. Our reviewer is round one panelist Elizabeth, who blogs at, The Dirigible Plum. She wrote:  The art is eye-poppingly beautiful, of course, and this sequel is just as gentle and inclusive as the first book. Read the whole review here. 

REVIEW: Kiss No. 8

Today’s review of Young Adult Graphic Novel Kiss No. 8 (Amazon, IndieBound) comes from Graphic Novel chair Mel Schuit, who usually blogs at Let’s Talk About Picture Books. For this review, however, Mel guest hosted The Children’s Book Podcast, talking with the authors Colleen AF Venable and Ellen T. Crenshaw. About the book, Colleen said:  I realized there were big …

REVIEW: Operatic

Today’s review comes from Graphic Novel round one panelist Elizabeth, who blogs at The Dirigible Plum (which is an awesome blog name!). She’s reviewed middle grade graphic novel nominee Operatic (Amazon, IndieBound), writing:  A new Kyo Maclear title is always cause for celebration. Operatic is quiet and delicate but powerful. Read the full review here. 

REVIEW: Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me

Today we’re looking at Young Adult Graphic Novel nominee Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (Amazon, IndieBound). Junior/Senior High Nonfiction judge Anne, who blogs at My Head is Full of Books, reviewed it over the summer, writing:  Tamaki is a genius at understanding people, specifically teens. Read the full review here.  

REVIEW: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy

Today’s review comes from Graphic Novel Round 1 panelist Stephanie who blogs at Lispy Librarian and vlogs (!) here. She reviewed middle grade graphic novel nominee Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy (Amazon, IndieBound). About the graphic novel she said:  It’s super cool; I loved it! It took me two days to read it because it’s super emotional […] I’m so …

REVIEW: The Prince and the Dressmaker

Our featured review for today comes from Cybils veteran and Graphic Novels Round 2 judge Kim Baccellia, an author and blogger who is also a staff reviewer at YA Books Central. Last year, she reviewed Young Adult Graphic Novels finalist The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang: Lush illustrations set in Paris are the backdrop where two very unlikely …

REVIEW: Escape from Syria

Our featured review for today was posted at Quill & Quire, a children’s lit website sponsored by Canada Council for the Arts, by our Round 2 Graphic Novels judge Ardo Omer, who is a podcaster at Put a Blurb On It. In the written review of Elementary/Middle Grade Graphic Novels finalist Escape from Syria, written by Samya Kullab and illustrated …

REVIEW: Hey Kiddo

Hey Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka is today’s featured nominee, from the Young Adult Graphic Novels category. Mel Schuit, a Round 1 judge and picture book enthusiast, posted about this title (and a few other nominees) this past fall on her blog Let’s Talk Picture Books: Jarrett does everything he can to make his non-normal life seem normal, and as …

REVIEW: The Cardboard Kingdom

Building a fantastical world from cardboard? Sign me up! Today’s featured blog review looks at Elementary/Middle Grade Graphic Novels nominee The Cardboard Kingdom by Chad Sell. The reviewer is Round 1 Middle Grade Fiction judge Beth Mitchell, a reader, writer, mom and former lawyer who blogs at Imaginary Friends. She says even though she doesn’t tend to go for graphic …

REVIEW: Fake Blood

It’s almost Halloween! In the spirit (see what I did there?) of the spooky season, today’s featured blog review looks at YA Graphic Novels nominee Fake Blood by Whitney Gardner. Round 1 judge John Mutford reviewed this one earlier in the month on his blog The Book Mine Set: AJ is newly starting grade six. Internally, he compares himself unfavourably …