The 2014 Finalists: What’s Being Said

Every year, we love seeing the reactions of the authors, publishers, spouses, and fans  after the Cybils finalists announcement goes up. Here are a few of the reactions that caught our attention this weekend: Tara Dairman (@TaraDairman): What delicious news to wake up to today: ALL FOUR STARS is a @Cybils finalist for middle-grade fiction! @penguinkids Huge thanks to @debamarshall for the …

The 2014 Finalists

My very first day of first grade was also the day my school district desegregated. It was 1969, and my grandmother had told me I’d be going to school with “colored children”. A new box of Crayola crayons sat in my school kit, and my little six-year-old self fully expected to see the same glorious rainbow of colors among the …

One Day More

(For all those who started singing, here you go.) The culmination of all the reading, deliberating, and deciding of our many round one panelists have come to fruition. They’ve taken the huge piles of nominated books and narrowed them down (no small feat). And we know you’re dying to know what those books. And so, tomorrow, we’ll reveal the finalists for …

Author and Publisher Reactions to Being Cybils Finalists

We're seen a LOT of enthusiasm about the Cybils shortlists on blogs, Twitter, and Facebook over the past couple of days. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped to spread the word about our wonderful finalists. Here, we've selected some author and publisher reactions on Twitter and Facebook: Sarah Beth Durst | @SarahBethDurst: Happy New Year! Awakened to lovely …

The Cybils Finalists Are Coming!

Good news! The Cybils shortlists will be announced the day after tomorrow, on New Year's Day! The shortlists are blogger-vetted, kid-friendly, well-written lists of 5 to 7 titles in all 11 categories (some with sub-categories). That means that a whole host of great book and app recommendations will be coming your way to start the new year.  In the meantime, …