First Round Carrie Charley Brown Carrie On… Together! @carriebrowntx Travis Jonker 100 Scope Notes @100scopenotes Teri Lesesne Goddess of YA @ProfessorNana Carol Munro Just Write Words @CarolMunroJWW Kristen Remenar Kristen Remenar @RemenarReads Jen Robinson Jen Robinson’s Book Page @JensBookPage Jennifer Wharton Jean Little Library Second Round Myra Bacsal Gathering Books @GatheringBooks Julie Larios Books Around the Table Dawn …
Meet the Organizers: Pam Coughlan, Fiction Picture Books
Continuing with the Cybils as category organizer for Fiction Picture Books, Pam Coughlan writes the blog MotherReader and administers the website KidLitosphere Central. With two teenage girls headed into adventures in high school and (gulp) college, she appreciates the honest beauty and simplicity of picture books more than ever. She has worked in public libraries in northern Virginia giving readers …