Our friends at KidLitCon have announced the program for their 2016 conference in Wichita, which is being held on Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15 (for registration information, click here). The conference theme this year is Gatekeepers and Keymasters: Connecting bloggers, librarians, teachers, authors, and parents to promote literacy. Besides two awesome keynote speakers, award-winning authors A.S. King and Clare …
Announcing the #KidLitCon 2016 Theme, Logo, and Hotel
Attention, Cybils bloggers and the people who love them! It’s time to save the date for our annual “family reunion” of kidlit bloggers and authors, the Kidlitosphere Conference. Kidlitcon 2016 will be held October 14th and 15th in Wichita, KS. This year’s theme is Gatekeepers and Keymasters: Connecting bloggers, librarians, teachers, authors, and parents to promote literacy. As you probably know if …
Meet Members of the Cybils Team at KidLitCon!
Several members of the Cybils team will be attending this year’s Kidlitosphere Conference. KidLitCon will be held in Sacramento, CA on October 10th and 11th. We hope that you’ll join us! Here’s a brief overview of the conference, from the KidLitCon website: “KidLitCon is a gathering of people who blog about children’s and young adult books, including librarians, authors, teachers, …
Register Now for KIDLITCON!
Here at the Cybils organization, we are big fans of the Kidlitosphere Conference (aka KidLitCon). KidLitCon is an annual conference for children's and young adult book bloggers (though anyone is welcome). KidLitCon is a much smaller conference than, say ALA or BEA. There are usually a few bookish giveaways, and a book exchange, but the focus of KidLitCon is not …