This post, written by Young Adult Fiction Chair, Gary Anderson, was first seen on What’s Not Wrong? Gary’s blog. We are reprinting with permission. Want to share why you love the Cybils Awards? Leave a comment on Gary’s post, here. The Cybils Awards, YA Lit, and Meby Gary Anderson If you pay attention to the world of literature for young …
NEW YA Speculative Fiction Chair: Jenna Ehler
Jenna Ehler was that kid who was constantly in the library or reading at home, or even getting in trouble at school for reading under the desk instead of paying attention! She grew up in a small town and spent many hours in her local library, which turned into her first library job as a shelver at age sixteen. After …
NEW High School NonFiction Chair: Beth Mitcham
Beth Mitcham was a special case. Her junior high librarians ruled that for weeding purposes, she did not count towards a book’s check-out statistics, because she had read all the books. This love of reading continued through her college career, where she continued to search out public libraries because those college institutions just weren’t enough. She never stopped reading children’s …
NEW Graphic Novels Chair: Kristen Harvey
Kristen Harvey is an elementary school Library Media Specialist in the suburbs of Chicago and has worked with diverse populations for over 10 years. From a young age, she dreamed of becoming a librarian and while training to become a teacher in college she spent her time working in a variety of public and college libraries. For several years she …
Introducing Our New Chairs
That makes it sound like we actually got some furniture in this place, doesn’t it? Actually, we have three new category organizers, and I think it would be good to introduce them to y’all. Their individual posts will run shortly. If you haven’t gone to check out our entire organizing team (there has been a bit of shuffling around this …