REVIEW: Paper Hearts

Clementine Bojangles, aka Madeline Rudawski, is a Cybils returnee and Round 1 judge this year for YA Fiction, but on her blog Hey, Library Girl! she reviews a wide variety of books for young readers, and she writes about movies and pop culture, too. Last month she reviewed Paper Hearts by Meg Wiviott, a novel in verse that tells the …

REVIEW: Blackbird Fly

Our featured review for today comes from the blog Tween You & Me, and Middle Grade Fiction Round 1 judge Pamela Groseclose. She’s a Youth Services Associate for a library in Missouri, and she’s got the library in her veins: her parents met in a library and went on their first date shortly after they were kicked out for being …

REVIEW: Manga Classics: The Scarlet Letter

Today we’re featuring a review by Round 1 Graphic Novels judge Nicola Mansfield, who keeps her primary blog at Back to Books but also writes about comics and graphic novels on It’s All Comic to Me. She also hosts the blog Graphic Novels Challenge. Earlier this fall, she brought her expertise to bear on teen GN nominee Manga Classics: The …

REVIEW: Blue on Blue

Today’s featured review comes from Round 1 Fiction Picture Books judge Sandy Brehl, who blogs at Unpacking the POWER of Picture Books. She’s an Education Outreach presenter and writer, so her blog has a number of well-thought-out book lists on topics like Math Picture Books and Graphic Novels. She also posts reviews to Goodreads, and that’s where she reviewed today’s …

REVIEW: Dayshaun’s Gift

Charlotte Taylor is one of our indispensable category organizers at the Cybils–she’s in charge of Elementary and Middle Grade Speculative Fiction, as well as being one of the Round 1 judges this year. Her blog, Charlotte’s Library, is devoted primarily to reviews of sci-fi and fantasy for children and teens, and on Timeslip Tuesdays she specifically looks at time travel …

REVIEW: Big Red Kangaroo

Today’s review is brought to you by Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction category chair Jennifer Wharton,  librarian and longtime Cybil-ite, who blogs about children’s books at Jean Little Library as well as contributing to No Flying No Tights. One of her recent reviews really appealed to me because I just got back from Australia last week (and yes, I did see both …

REVIEW: Detective Gordon: The First Case

Juliana Lee brings us our featured review today; she’s a Round 1 judge for Easy Readers and Early Chapter Books this year, and she blogs at Crafting Stories, where she talks about writing and reading children’s books, especially picture books. She’s a retired teacher as well as a writer and avid reader, so it’s no surprise that her blog includes …

REVIEW: Professor Astro Cat’s Solar System

Our featured blog review for today comes courtesy of Cybils Spec Fic Category Organizer, Round 1 judge, Publisher Liaison, and all-around superhero Sheila Ruth. Though she primarily focuses on fantasy and sci-fi reviews at her blog Wands and Worlds, she also reviews the occasional title outside her genre, such as the science-education book app Professor Astro Cat’s Solar System by …

REVIEW: Denton Little’s Death Date

Today’s review features a nominee from the YA Speculative Fiction category: Denton Little’s Death Date by Lance Rubin. It was reviewed earlier this year by Allie Jones of In Bed With Books, a Cybils regular and Round 1 judge this year in YASF. She is a technical writer and self-confessed nerd who reviews books from a variety of genres. About …

REVIEW: Chernobyl’s Wild Kingdom: Life in the Dead Zone

Louise Capizzo of The Nonfiction Detectives is one of our YA Nonfiction judges this year. She’s not only a Cybils returnee, but also a youth services manager in a public library in Maine and a tireless enthusiast for nonfiction books written for young readers. She reviewed YA Nonfiction nominee Chernobyl’s Wild Kingdom: Life in the Dead Zone by Rebecca L. Johnson …