Exclusive: Cover Reveal, The Temple of Doubt

We’re always excited when anyone in our Cybils community has a new project forthcoming. But, when it’s our Executive Director, the instigator of the Cybils, the boss lady, the tsar (and however many other titles she’s been known by over the years), then it’s something special. Anne’s publisher, Sky Pony Press (an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing), has allowed us, here …

Meet the Organizers: Anne Levy, Executive Director (aka Cybils Boss Lady)

I’m having trouble wrapping my brain around the idea that this is the 9th Cybils Awards. It began with a snarky remark on a friend’s post that maybe us smarty-pants blogger types should start our own literary awards. And here we are, still pinning virtual ribbons on authors and illustrators, and still snarking away. I’m returning to active Cybils duty …