Blogging & Judging Policy

If you judge either round for us, you also talk about books on the internet. That’s pretty much how we roll. Inevitably, though, our volunteers find something to fret about anyway. What if you post about this or that and it violates some Important Rule or other? What if it hastens the zombie apocalypse?

Okay, that’s not likely to happen, but just to be sure, we developed the following policy that we hope is fair, painless, and not stupid.

  1. It’s your space on the internet. You’re an adult, and it’s your personal writing space, and we’re not your editors, parents, or boss. What you put on it is your business, with one vital exception:
  2. Whether you’re a Round 1 or 2 judge, we pretty please ask that you don’t tip your hand as to how you’re voting. Not even a hint. Please don’t make it possible for the Cybils-obsessed (and they are legion) to deduce finalists or winners through the process of elimination, either.
  3. Round 2 judges: Inconveniently, this means keeping a tight lid on reviews DURING READING PERIOD. Don’t change a thing that’s already been posted.
  4. Keep reading, keep writing. We want you to flourish, both online and off. Let us know if things are getting hairy. We can help.
  5. Show off! Put a link to your write-up or review of a nominated title in our database. We rely on your pieces to post on our blog throughout Cybils season. Yes, it can be less-than-flattering. Your ability to assess a book’s strengths and weaknesses is how you got here.
  6. Want to blog or tweet about the process of judging? Be our guest! Just remember item #2. Let’s keep people guessing until it’s time for the Big Reveal.

Do you have to post about Cybils Awards? No, of course not. Nor do you have to review nominated titles. Re-read rule #1: your blog is your space. Do what you will.

But if you violate our fair, painless, and not-stupid policy: This saddens us. We rely on trust and transparency, and we all understand how easy it is to get carried away. Still. We can politely ask you to tweak the post, which you can politely refuse, and it may affect whether you’re invited back for future panels.