2013 Book Apps Judges

Round 1 Aaron Maurer, Coffee for the Brain http://www.coffeeforthebrain.blogspot.com @coffeechugbooks Jill Goodman @queenofappland Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts http://www.teachmentortexts.com @mentortexts Jackie Parker, Interactive Reader http://interactivereader.blogspot.com @interactiver Mary Ann Scheuer, Great Kid Books http://greatkidbooks.blogspot.com @MaryAnnScheuer Round 2 Cathy Potter, The Nonfiction Detectives http://www.nonfictiondetectives.com @cppotter Elisabeth LeBris, LeBrisary http://lebrisary.blogspot.com @elebris Helen Dineen, CAppTivated Kids http://capptivatedkids.wordpress.com @aitcheldee Carisa Kluver, Digital Media Diet http://digitalmediadiet.com …

2013 Young Adult Speculative Fiction Judges

Round 1 Sheila Ruth, Wands and Worlds http://blog1.wandsandworlds.com @sheilaruth Tanita Davis, Finding Wonderland http://writingya.blogspot.com Hallie Tibbets,Undusty New Books http://www.undusty.com @hallietibbetts Leila Roy, Bookshelves of Doom http://bookshelvesofdoom.blogs.com @bkshelvesofdoom Karen Jensen Teen, Librarian's Toolbox http://www.teenlibrariantoolbox.com @tlt16 Patrice Caldwell, Whimsically Yours http://whimsicallyours.com/ @whimsicallyours Sarah Gross, The Reading Zone http://thereadingzone.wordpress.com @thereadingzone Round 2 Sam Musher, Parenthetical http://www.parenthetical.net @MsParenthetical Tasha Saecker,Waking Brain Cells http://wakingbraincells.com @tashrow …

2013 Graphics Judges

First round Lynn Miller Lachmann, The Pirate Tree http://www.thepiratetree.com/ @lmillerlachmann Aaron Zenz, Bookiewoogie http://www.bookiewoogie.blogspot.com/ @AaronZenz Roxanne Feldman, Fairrosa http://fairrosa.wordpress.com/ @fairrosa Traci Glass, No Flying, No Tights http://noflyingnotights.com/@grablit Emma Weiler, No Flying, No Tights http://noflyingnotights.com/ Colby Sharp, Sharpread http://sharpread.wordpress.com/ @colbysharp Liz Jones, Lizjonesbooks http://lizjonesbooks.livejournal.com @lizjonesbooks Second Round Emily Mitchell, Emilyreads http://www.emilyreads.com/ @emilyreads Debra Touchette, Adventures in Reading (Also blogs at Guys Lit Wire) http://adventures-in-reading.blogspot.com/ @threelefthands Michael Kahan, No Flying, …

2013 Poetry Judges

Round One Ed deCaria, Think, Kid, Think! http://www.thinkkidthink.com @edecaria Kelly Fineman, Writing and Ruminating http://kellyrfineman.livejournal.com  @kellyfineman Jone MacCulloch, Check It Out http://maclibrary.wordpress.com @JoneMac53 Anastasia Suen, Poet! Poet! http://asuen.com/poetry @asuen1 Sylvia Vardell, Poetry for Children http://poetryforchildren.blogspot.com @SylviaVardell April Halprin Wayland, Teaching Authors http://teachingauthors.com @aprilhwayland Bridget Wilson, What is Bridget Reading? http://whatisbridgetreading.blogspot.com @bridgetrwilson Round Two Linda Baie, Teacher Dance http://teacherdance.org @LBaie Matt …

2013 Nonfiction Elementary/Middle Grade Judges

Round 1 Franki Sibberson, Reading Year http://readingyear.blogspot.com/ @frankisibberson Ellen Zschunke, On the Shelf 4 Kids http://ontheshelf4kids.blogspot.com @ontheshelf4kids Amy Broadmoore, Delightful Children's Books http://delightfulchildrensbooks. @delightchildbks Alysa Stewart, Everead http://www.evereadbooks.com @everead Mike Lewis, Blog 142 http://mrlewis5.blogspot.com/ @145lewis Alice Mar, Supratentorial http://www.supratentorial.wordpress.com Carol Wilcox, Carol W's Corner www.carolwscorner.blogspot.com @carwilc Round 2 Laura Wadley, Provo Library Children's Book Reviews http://pclkidsbooks.blogspot.com Roberta Gibson, Wrapped in …

The 2013 Easy Reader/Early Chapter Judges

Now presenting the Round 1 and 2 panelists for Easy Readers/Early  Chapter Books: Round 1 Jennifer Wharton, Jean Little Library http://jeanlittlelibrary.blogspot.com/ Laura P. Salas, Laura Salas: Writing the World for Kids http://www.laurasalas.com/blog/@laurapsalas Jodie Rodgriguez, Growing Book by Book http://growingbookbybook.com @growingbbb Diana Pettis, Finding the Right Book http://www.findabookguidedreading.blogspot.com @xavxandiana Deb Nance, Readerbuzz http://www.readerbuzz.blogspot.com @DebNance Danyelle Leach, Bookshelves in the Cul-de-Sac http://www.bookshelvesintheculdesac.blogspot.com/ …

Meet the Organizers: Pam Coughlin, Fiction Picture Books

Continuing with the Cybils as category organizer for Fiction Picture Books, Pam Coughlan writes the blog MotherReader and administers the website KidLitosphere Central. Two daughters and ten years in the children's department of public libraries kindled her passion for picture books. Now managing the schedules of two teenage girls, she appreciates the genre even more for delivering the essence of …

Meet the Organizers: Mary Ann Scheur, Book Apps

Multi-tasking Mary Ann is how she's introduced herself lately – but perhaps that's apt as we delve into the world of Book Apps that seem to do so many things at once. Mary Ann is a school librarian, mom to three, grad student and blogger. Each day she spreads a love of reading with 300 elementary students in Berkeley, CA …

Meet the Organizers: Liz Jones, Graphic Novels

Liz Jones has been involved with the Cybils since 2007… and always with graphics! Her blog at lizjonesbooks.livejournal.com has been suffering from neglect due to family health issues, but she's in pretty much constant reading mode behind the scenes! When she's not reading the year's new titles and figuring out who needs what on each committee, she's teaching writing to …

Timeless Artwork

View this photo Are you SO devoted to the Cybils that you want a logo without a year so that it is always in style and appropriate? Like a classic suit or little black dress, these logos are perfect for any situation. I'm thinking that a double chocolate sheet cake with a Cybils decal might just make my weekend. There's …