2008 Poetry Finalists

America at War illustrated by Stephen Alcorn edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins Simon & Schuster The poems in the anthology are not about war itself, but about the emotions related to warfare. The anthology is focused on the poetry of war, and the 54 poems inside the book are separated into eight sections, beginning with poems related to the Revolutionary …

A Cybilian defends the Newbery Medal

I'm sorry this snuck by me, but I just noticed it yesterday.  Erica Perl, who'll be judging in Fiction Picture Books, has a post up at Slate.com from Friday.  She takes on the naysayers picking on the Newbery Medal, defending its lofty, if sometimes quirky, choices.  Cybils was founded in part to get away from the idea that a great …

About The Cybils Awards

Our purpose is two-fold: Reward the children’s and young adult authors (and illustrators, let’s not forget them) whose books combine the highest literary merit and “kid appeal.” What’s that mean? If some la-di-dah awards can be compared to brussel sprouts, and other, more populist ones to gummy bears, we’re thinking more like organic chicken nuggets. We’re yummy and nutritious. Foster …

A big, fat shout-out with pom-poms and megaphones to our panelists

Three holiday cheers for our panelists, who're busily plowing through the 840+ nominated books on our 2008 list.  Sheila Ruth built a fabulous, behind-the-scenes database that shows 89% of the titles have gotten at least one read.  Since that number doesn't include the non-fiction picture book folks, it's probably closer to 100%, or just about.   I've promised publishers, authors and …

Blatant Appeal For Money (Sorry)

Hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving and you're happily getting ready for the holidays, whichever holiday(s) you happen to celebrate.  We hope you'll remember us here at Cybils when you do your shopping. Not that we need anything, of course.  But you can help Cybils get a small commission whenever you shop at Amazon and now at your favorite independent …


Coming soon to a fashionable blog near you … Tracy Grand at JacketFlap has once again provided a terrific widget for us all.  You'll see an example of it in the right sidebar (partway down).  If you want one, here's the linky-loo so you can create your own.  Pick genres and colors and the widget does the rest.  Gorgeous. I …

Elections and Kids — Open Thread

Whether we elect the first African-American president or the first female vice president, today's a rather historic day, wouldn't you say?  So let's take a break from Cybils judging and gab a bit about America's big day at the polls. What'd you tell your kids about it?  In my household, my son told ME — in no uncertain terms.  He …

A Note to the Nominees

Congratulations to the publishers, authors, and illustrators of all the nominated books! We're doing our best to notify the publishers of all nominated books, but in some cases we are unable to find contact information, or our contact information is invalid. If you are a publisher, and would like to provide review copies but you haven't heard from us, please …

2008 Nominations
Young Adult Novels

A Bottle in the Gaza Sea written by Valerie Zenatti Bloomsbury USA A La Carte written by Tanita S. Davis Random House Children’s Books Absolute Brightness written by James Lecesne HarperCollins After Tupac and D Foster written by Jacqueline Woodson Putnam Alive and Well in Prague, New York written by Daphne Grab HarperCollins Amor and Summer Secrets written by Diana …

2008 Nominations

A Crossing of Zebras: Animal Packs in Poetry written by Marjorie Maddox illustrated by Philip Huber Boyds Mills Press Adventures of Isabel, The written by Ogden Nash illustrated by Bridget Taylor Jabberwocky/Sourcebooks America at War illustrated by Stephen Alcorn edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins Simon & Schuster Animal Poems of the Iguazu/Animalario del Iguazu written by Francisco X. Alarcon illustrated …