Deadline to apply coming soon!

There are just a few more days to apply to be a Cybils' panelist! Read the JUDGING INFO and fill out the APPLICATION if you would like to be part of the 2013 Cybils. The deadline to apply is August 31st Panelists who are chosen will be notified in mid-September, so don't panic if you don't hear back right away! …

Buttons, buttons, we’ve got the buttons!

Ta-dah! Above, you'll find our fancy new logo. Better late than never, I say. And here are the associated buttons for you to upload onto your own blogs to advertise our annual contest. Just right-click and save. Thanks so much for showing your support for Cybils on your own websites. Happy 2013 Cybils! –Anne Levy, Cybils Overlord in absentia

2013 Logos

Want to spread the word about the 2013 Cybils Awards? Here are spiffy new logos to use when you tell the world about applying to be a panelist, nominating a book, or about paying attention to the Cybils!                  

Call for Judges! Now accepting applications!

 It's that time of year again! We're now officially recruiting judges for both rounds of the 2013 Cybils contest. To apply for either round,  follow these two easy steps: Please read the judging information right here, or click on the "Judging" link on the top nav bar. Fill out our handy application form, which is right here.  The deadline to …

Cybils Categories

Want to apply to be a Cybils panelist? There are lots of options, so find one that best suits your talents and reading preferences. If you're not sure, go back and look at the list of 2012 Cybils Winners to get an idea about what was considered the best book in each category. Please note these changes for this year: …

Heads Up! The Cybils are Coming!

Hello! Ms. Yingling, blog-editor pro tem here! While there's still plenty of summer left, things are heating up behind the scene here at the Cybils. We will be taking applications for panelists from August 15-31. More information will be available then, but if your late August is somewhat hectic, you might want to pour yourself a tall glass of lemonade …

A Project from our Publisher Liaison

Our hardworking publisher liaison is Sheila Ruth, who not only spends oodles of time making sure Cybils judges get the review copies they need, but also devotes even more time to being the Fantasy and Science Fiction category chair. You probably know she blogs at Wands and Worlds, but you might NOT know that she also owns a small press …

2012 Finalists: Nonfiction for Tweens & Teens

Bomb: The Race to Build–and Steal–the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin Flash Point Nominated by: Monica Edinger “In the end, this is a difficult story to sum up. The making of the atomic bomb is one of history’s most amazing examples of teamwork and genius and poise under pressure. But it’s also the story of how humans created …

2012 Finalists: Young Adult Fiction

Boy21 by Matthew Quick Little, Brown Nominated by: DLacks Boy21 got game. And that game is basketball, as played diligently by narrator Finley, sublimely by his girlfriend Erin, and almost supernaturally by the titular Boy21, also known as Russell Allen. Boy21 also has heart, as it explores loyalty, friendship, class and racial differences, and the way the past impinges on …

2012 Finalists: Poetry

BookSpeak! Poems About Books by Laura Purdie Salas Clarion Books Nominated by: Katie Fitzgerald In a world where e-readers are becoming more and more popular, BookSpeak pays homage to the physical book. Twenty-one poems explore the magic of books and everything about them cover to cover. These well-crafted poems include literary allusions such as a frightened dog hanging on to …