📯The 2024 CYBILS Awards Finalists 📯

2024 finalist announcement

Are you ready? Let’s go! It’s time to introduce the finalists for the 2024 CYBILS Awards. The judges read more than 1,000 books written for kids, tweens, teens, and young adults. In three months! We think think they deserve a round of applause. 👏 With all of the amazing books you nominated and submitted, the judges had some really tough …

Book Reviews: #CYBILS2023 High School Nonfiction Finalists

If you have ever put a book down because your emotions got the best of you, then this is the shortlist for you. The 2023 High School Nonfiction finalists are just that powerful. In some cases, the events in these books happened many decades ago – long before this generation of young adults and even their parents were born. And …

Fri YA | #CYBILS2023 Book Reviews 12.15.2023

There’s no such thing as a “girl book,” but there is definitely such a thing as girl power. And it is on full display in today’s featured young adult books.  Exhibit A: Perry Firekeeper Birch, the MC in Warrior Girl Unearthed (sequel to CYBILS 2021 YA Fiction finalist Fire Keeper’s Daughter). After attending a meeting at a local university, Perry learns …

SpecFic Saturday | #CYBILS2023 Book Reviews 11.4.23

Happy Saturday! If you love science fiction and fantasy, and haven’t yet picked your weekend reads, keep scrolling. We may have found just what you’re looking for. Both of this weeks featured nominees are set in the real world with black girl magic woven into their plots. Mystery, family secrets, quests, series potential … a little bit of everything. If …

2023 CYBILS Judges: Graphic Novel Panels

CHAIR: Kristen HarveyGraphic Novels (aka comics) are not just for reluctant readers. Complex storytelling with a rich combination of illustrations, color choices, and story-telling styles render information in new and interesting ways. They have evolved into a beloved genre of reading format and evolved into a unique form of story-telling. The sub-genres within Graphic Novels has also evolved, and there …

2023 CYBILS Judges: Nonfiction Panels

Children and students of all ages are curious about a variety of subjects. Nonfiction titles can feed their thirst, whether they want to learn about someone’s life, history, math, science, current events, social justice, activism, journalism, and so much more. These books are filled with illustrations, photographs, and accurate back matter to highlight concepts to wow students and adults alike …

2023 CYBILS Judges: Board Book & Fiction Picture Book Panels

Let the parade of announcements begin! We’re starting with the youngest readers … Board books and picture books are our child’s first stories – at playtime, before nap, and as bedtime stories. They are a show-and-tell art form. Colorful. Beautiful. Funny. Poignant. Amazing. Pick your word. These are the stories – with and without words – that can capture our hearts …

#CYBILS2023 Recommendations from Terry Doherty

Can I let you in on a secret? I don’t read many books during the year. BUT. I do read lots of articles and blog posts. About books. Every day. So when CYBILS Awards nomination time rolls around, I have a handy-dandy list of books that fit my one criterion: each title looks like a book I’d have loved as …

Dear Author

Dear Author Friend, I’ve been sharing thoughts about serving as a CYBILS AWARDS Panelist volunteer in some recent letters to bloggers, librarians, and others who are deeply invested in quality books for young readers. I hope that some of those discussions are traveling among friends and colleagues in those groups. Thinking about those peer groups made me realize I was …

Dear Librarian

Dear Library Friend, I’m so was so excited to hear from you! When sharing thoughts about volunteering as a CYBILS AWARDS panelist with my Blogger Friend, I was hoping they might find their way to others. Library friends are the perfect target audience for these discussions since librarians are ALWAYS my best friends, my portal to the reading world that …