Mark, a sixth grade language arts teacher, first round Middle Grade Fiction panelist, and one of the few male presences around the Cybils blogs at the wonderfully alliterative Buxton’s Blog O’ Books. He recently reviewed Kinda Like Brothers, by Coe Booth, writing: Many books deal with stepfamilies, but foster children are kind of like temporary stepfamilies. Devon is treated like …
Review: Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle
New first round Middle Grade fiction panelist, Brenda, who blogs at Log Cabin Library. A speech pathologist by profession, she says has a weakness for middle grade fiction with pretty covers and fairy-tale retellings. She reviewed the Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative fiction nominee Gabriel Finely and the Raven’s Riddle by George Hagen, saying: Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle is also about being …
Review: Brown Girl Dreaming
Today’s review comes from Jennifer, an elementary school librarian and first time Fiction Picture Book judge, who blogs at Reederama. She reviewed Jacquline Woodson’s National Book Award shortlist-making book Brown Girl Dreaming. She writes: This is a story that is at once universal and unique. For this reader, born in the same year as Jacqueline Woodson and raised in the inner …
Review: Colors of the Wind
Today’s review comes from Elementary/Middle Grade Non-Fiction round one panelist Reshama, at Stacking Books. I have to admit I featured this 1) because I met Reshama at KidlitCon last week and she’s delightful and 2) I met the author of this book at KidlitCon last week and she’s delightful as well. Of Colors of the Wind, Reshama writes: This is …
Review: Cress
Today’s review comes from Round 2 Young Adult Fiction panelist (and 16-year-old) Summer, a Palestinian girl who loves all things books. (She’s also Harry Potter’s long-lost twin sister, so we love her for that already.) Summer blogs at MissFictional’s World of YA Books where she writes about all sorts of YA books, including Young Adult Speculative Fiction nominee Cress, by Marissa Meyer. …
Review: Always Emily
Today’s review of the day comes from long-time Cybils’ panelist and judge, Leila Roy. A librarian tucked away in Maine, Leila blogs at both Bookshelves of Doom and Kirkus, where she releases her enthusiastic love (and snark) on books. Of Young Adult Fiction nominee Always Emily by Michaela MacColl, Leila writes: As the cover art and the name “Brontë” suggest, the book features plenty …
Review: Eerie Elementary #1: The School Is Alive!
Today’s featured review of Eerie Elementary #1: The School is Alive! by Jack Chabert comes from round one panelist, Katie Fitzgerald. A former children’s librarian in Washington D. C., Katie now blogs at Story Time Secrets. Of the Easy Reader/Chapter Book nominee, Katie writes: Kids who like scary adventures will feel that they have hit the jackpot with this new series. These plot-driven tales are …