Young Adult Speculative Fiction Judge Cecelia, who blogs at Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia, is a voracious reader of all types of books, from adult down through middle grade. Back in April of last year she reviewed her category finalist Death Sworn, by Leah Cypess, writing: I own Leah Cypess’ two previous novels, but I never made a concerted effort to …
Review: Pointe
Today’s review of Young Adult Fiction finalist Pointe, by Brandy Colbert comes from round one panelist Brandy, who blogs at Whimscially Yours. She gushed about Pointe, writing: This is one of the best books I’ve ever read. I know. But, it’s the truth. You know how some books just speak to you? How from the moment you open them you know …
Review: Popular: Vintage Wisdom for the Modern Geek
Today’s review is by our YA Non-Fiction chair, Stephanie, who regularly blogs at Love. Life. Read. She reviewed YA Non-Fiction finalist Popular: Vintage Wisdom for the Modern Geek, by Maya Van Wagenen, writing: This memoir is often times hilarious, filled with trials and triumphs as Maya applies 1950’s advice to her modern life in the twenty first century. Highly readable and enjoyable, this …
Review: Knock Knock: My Dad’s Dream for Me
Today we’re featuring Fiction Picture Book finalist Knock Knock: My Dad’s Dream for Me, by Daniel Beaty. Our review comes from panelist Carrie who blogs at Carrie On… Together!. Of the book, she wrote: The emotional resonance is greatly present in both art and text. It provides an eye opening view into the compassion and support of the characters and connects straight …
Review: Shadow Hero
Today’s review of Graphic Novelist finalist Shadow Hero, by Gene Luen Yang comes from our former blog editor, and current go-to-person (when we need an extra helping hand), Sarah Stevenson. She blogs with friend and fellow author Tanita Davis at Finding Wonderland, where last summer they discussed this graphic novel. They wrote: Of course, readers all want to look for …
Review: Kalley’s Machine Plus Cats
Today’s featured review is of Book App finalist Kalley’s Machine Plus Cats, by RocketWagon. The blurb was written by Colby Sharp, a third grade teacher in Michigan who also blogs at Sharp Read. He served as a panelist on the Book App panel, and wrote this about the app: Kalley’s Machine Plus Cats quickly became a favorite of my third grade …
Review: Abby Spencer Goes to Bollywood
Today’s review comes again from one of our prolific Middle Grade Fiction panelists and bloggers, Brenda, who blogs at Log Cabin Library. Of Middle Grade Fiction finalist Abby Spencer Goes to Bollywood, by Varsha Bajaj. She writes: Through Abby the reader is able to experience traveling to a new country and a new culture. I had the pleasure of living in …
Review: Jupiter Pirates: Hunt for the Hydra
Today’s featured review of Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction finalist Jupiter Pirates: Hunt for the Hydra, by Jason Fry comes from the category chair, Charlotte. She blogs at Charlotte’s Library where she is an incredible resource for elementary/middle grade speculative fiction books. Of the finalist, she writes: Jupiter Pirates: Hunt For the Hydra, by Jason Fry (HarperCollins, Dec. 2013), is the best “kid …
Review: Dear Wandering Wildebeest
Our review today is of Poetry finalist Dear Wandering Wildebeest and Other Poems from the Watering Hole, by Irene Latham. Panelist Margaret, who blogs at Reflections on the Teche, did a poetry round-up in the middle of our round one reading, and she wrote: I did not know what a wildebeest was until I got her new book of poetry. It …
Review: Handle With Care
Today’s review is from Carrie, who blogs at the Indianapolis Public Library Kids’ Blog, which is a blog highlighting books that they think kids will like. The reviews are directed at the kids who will be reading the books, so they are short and to the point. Carrie recently reviewed the Elementary/Middle Grade Non-Fiction finalist Handle With Care: An Unusual …