Graphic Novels & More: #CYBILS2023 Recommendations from Kristen Harvey

kristen harvey 2023 recommendations

Okay, comics fans! Are you ready to topple that TBR? Don’t you just love that visual (pun intended)! This week’s list of Boy-I-Hope-These-Get-Nominated titles includes fiction and nonfiction, realism and fantasy, and starts with a learn-to-draw title! Introducing Kristen Harvey Kristen has participated in the CYBILS Awards since 2013 and is returning for her third year at the helm of …

#CYBILS2023 YA Speculative Fiction Recommendations from Sondra Eklund

sondra eklund books

Yes friends, we are launching a new feature on the CYBILS Awards blog! Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing some of the books our Category Chairs hope to see nominated this year. It complements the work that our Early Call judges finding and reading all the books. The best part? You might find a book you didn’t know about …

Idea Boards: #CYBILS2023 Edition

idea boards goodreads

For the past several years, we’ve invited readers to use our Idea Boards, hosted by, to share their recommendations on books they believed should be nominated come October. Thanks to you embracing the idea boards, lotts of the books YOU recommended were nominated. Some even were selected as finalists or winners. Bottom line: we wouldn’t have known about them …

ICYMI: 2022 Teen & YA Books Eligible for #CYBILS2023

Come this time in October, all the nominations for the the 2023 CYBILS Awards will be in. With our publication cut-off of 10/15, there are always great books that don’t get their nod. As you saw in our previous post, there are lots of books published at the end of 2022 that shouldn’t be forgotten when CYBILS time rolls around …

ICYMI: 2022 Books for #CYBILS2023 Young Readers Edition

Sometimes we get so excited about the shiny, just-released book that we forget there may be older, new-to-us books that are equally entrancing. That is especially true for books that come into the world after the October 15th CYBILS Awards cut-off but which are eligible to be nominated this year for #CYBILS2023. There were so many wonderful books that just …

The #CYBILSAWARDS Library is on Goodreads

award winning kid book recommendations

If you’ve been part of or followed the CYBILS Awards over the years, you know that we love to chat about great books for kids and teens. We share our judges reviews, we post new releases, we get recommendations. We love it all! Over the years, our judges tell us that one of the reasons they volunteer is because they …

#Cybils2022 Idea Boards are here!

Last summer we launched the first-ever CYBILS Awards Idea Boards using Our goal: create a place where readers can share their favorite recent reads. Books they can’t stop talking about. Titles they want other readers to discover for themselves. Books they think might have some award-worthy potential. The Idea Boards turned out to be not just a place to …