The 2018 Cybils Finalists!

It’s January 1st, our favorite day of the year: The day in which all round one panelists breathe a huge sigh of relief (and we express our heartfelt thanks!), and which everyone (from the authors and illustrators to the fans to the round two judges) eagerly watches to see what’s made the cut.  First off — because we know you’re …

2017 Cybils Finalists

2017 was a difficult year, all around. Participation was down (we had to put Audiobooks on hiatus!), several judges and category chairs had personal or family crises, and we had issues with getting access to all the books. It wasn’t easy for the Cybils this year.  However, we rallied — we had 1426 books nominated across all the categories — we …

The 2016 Finalists

I feel intimidated writing this  post this year; it’s usually the domain of our illustrious co-founder and overlord, Anne Levy. But 2016 has been a hard year for everyone, and that includes Anne. So I’m writing this in her stead. Thank you for being understanding! A few numbers, to begin with: We had 1163 books nominated, across all categories.  Out …

The 2015 Finalists

Given our colorful logo at the top of this page, I keep thinking it’s been ten years since Cybils rolled out its very first roster of finalists. It’s actually been nine – but this is our 10th contest, inclusive.  My 8th grade Algebra I teacher, Mr. Cloutier, is somewhere shaking his head in my direction at my stubborn innumeracy. I’m …

The 2014 Finalists

My very first day of first grade was also the day my school district desegregated. It was 1969, and my grandmother had told me I’d be going to school with “colored children”. A new box of Crayola crayons sat in my school kit, and my little six-year-old self fully expected to see the same glorious rainbow of colors among the …

The 2013 Finalists

Happy Cybils New Year! Really, when all the confetti is swept up, the champagne bottles put in recycling, and your hangover nursed back to a semblance of sobriety, what else is there? Us, that’s what! We’re back again with another list of books that kept our panelists riveted through the holiday season. We sifted through more than 1,300 books and …

The 2012 Cybils Finalists

Dear Book Nerds: You already know why you’re here. It’s not for the fab party, the football scores or to watch the ball drop. No, you won’t find Cybilians indulging in those overly exhuberant displays of normalcy. Hanging out at the Cybils site is by far the best New Year’s tradition, and here are just a few reasons why: You do not have to …

The 2011 Cybils Finalists

This was the year the Kindle caught Fire, the Nook fought for its niche, Borders went belly up and ebooks overtook their dead tree cousins for good. But for us here at Cybils, it was another year of reading, blogging and more reading. Whether on paper or in pixels, we found plenty of stories worth sharing with the world. By …

2010 Finalists

Can you believe this is our fifth list of finalists? Yes, we’re five years old. This year, we were all a tad rushed as we crossed the finish line. If you spot problems on any of the pages, please list them in comments below. Meantime, a hearty thanks and Happy New Year to all our panelists, who once again gave …

2009 Finalists: A terrific, heavenly, so good, not bad list

–A note from Anne Levy, Cybils Administrator: I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad problem assembling this year’s Cybils finalists.  Most of our first-round judges decided to sign their summaries for the short-listed titles.  That meant inserting links to their blogs.  And that meant meandering through their recent posts, catching up with old friends, making some new discoveries…and …