The 2011 Cybils Finalists

This was the year the Kindle caught Fire, the Nook fought for its niche, Borders went belly up and ebooks overtook their dead tree cousins for good. But for us here at Cybils, it was another year of reading, blogging and more reading. Whether on paper or in pixels, we found plenty of stories worth sharing with the world. By …

2010 Finalists

Can you believe this is our fifth list of finalists? Yes, we’re five years old. This year, we were all a tad rushed as we crossed the finish line. If you spot problems on any of the pages, please list them in comments below. Meantime, a hearty thanks and Happy New Year to all our panelists, who once again gave …

2009 Finalists: A terrific, heavenly, so good, not bad list

–A note from Anne Levy, Cybils Administrator: I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad problem assembling this year’s Cybils finalists.  Most of our first-round judges decided to sign their summaries for the short-listed titles.  That meant inserting links to their blogs.  And that meant meandering through their recent posts, catching up with old friends, making some new discoveries…and …

The 2008 Cybils Finalists

Ta-da … The Big Reveal.  Can I remind everyone that our panelists are the world’s most fabulous book bloggers?  They had to hunt down an extraordinary number of titles on their own this year.  Blame the economy, as review copies were often hard to come by. A round of applause, please, as our hard-working panelists pass the baton to our …

2008 Fantasy & Science Fiction Finalists

Elementary/Middle Grade: Cabinet of Wonderswritten by Marie Rutkoski Macmillan Petra Kronos lives in a small Czech village with her father, an artisan who can move metal with his mind and work with invisible tools. When her father is commissioned by the prince to build a marvelous clock, he goes off to Prague–and comes back blinded. The prince has stolen his …

2007 Young Adult Fiction Finalists

Finding the best seven titles out of a list of 123 is… daunting, to say the least. The bloggers on this year’s YA nominating panel embraced the challenge, and below you’ll find the books that survived discussion and passionate debate through countless emails and one very long instant-message group chat. We’re proud of our shortlist, and hope you love it …

2007 Nonfiction Picture Book Finalists

The Nonfiction Picture Book panelists had some fabulous books to choose from this year, and the ones that made the short list are representative of all the best things this category has to offer: informative and engaging text, brilliant illustrations, and lots of appeal for young readers. — Eisha Prather, Nonfiction Picture Books organizer.  Guess What is Growing Inside this …

2007 Graphic Novel Finalists

The hardworking Graphic Novels panel has narrowed down the nominees to five finalists at the teen/young adult age level and five at the elementary & middle-grade level, for a shortlist that’s truly dazzling as well as diverse: fantasy, manga, animals, humor–there’s a little bit of everything. Oh, and robots. You gotta have robots. —Sarah Stevenson, Graphic Novels organizer Teen/Young Adult: …

2007 MG/YA Nonfiction Finalists

The middle grade/young adult nonfiction committee has selected, from the 45 nominated books, a collection of seven high-quality, kid-friendly titles. Looking to read more nonfiction in 2008? Any or all of these titles will get you off to an excellent start. Of course, there are other wonderful titles on the nominations list, too, but the committee felt that these seven …

2007 Science Fiction & Fantasy Finalists

It was difficult to choose only ten books out of the 94 outstanding nominations we received in fantasy and science fiction, but the panelists worked hard and passionately to choose the best of the best. We selected five finalists for the teen/young adult age level and five for the elementary & middle grade level. We hope you enjoy these books …