Leila Roy is a self-described "uber-librarian" and the nefarious mind behind the blog Bookshelves of Doom, where she posts about YA fiction and related news. She's also the creator and editor of a 'zine for YA short fiction, the TBR Tallboy, and she's well known around the Cybils, too. One of Leila's recent reviews looked at YA Fiction nominee What …
Luke on the Loose by Harry Bliss
Back to Books is an apt moniker for today's featured blog, which is the online home of Nicola Manning, one of our Round I panelists for the Graphic Novels category. She hails from the Niagara Region of Canada and blogs about numerous topics, but she focuses primarily on books, especially those she reads with her nine-year-old son. In her review …
Absolutely Wild by Dennis Webster
Tricia Stohr-Hunt, blogger at The Miss Rumphius Effect, is well-known around the Cybils–she's been a Round I panelist for Non-Fiction Picture Books, and this year she's a Round I panelist for the Poetry category. Since she's a teacher herself (of Education!), she frequently blogs about topics of interest to teachers such as thematic booklists, but besides that, she's a true …
Down, Down, Down by Steve Jenkins
Between the two of them, Bill and Karen of the blog Literate Lives constitute one of our Round I panelists for the Non-Fiction Picture Books category. Both of them are teachers who review all sorts of books that can be used in the classroom and with kids, and earlier this year they reviewed one of our Cybils NFPB nominees. Down, …
Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater
Our featured review for today comes from Fantasy and Science Fiction panelist Angie Thompson, who blogs at Angieville and is a round I judge for the YA division of the SFF category. She's also been a Graphic Novels panelist for the Cybils, and on her blog, she writes about YA novels, fantasy, urban fantasy, and news of interest to fellow …
The Last Invisible Boy by Evan Kuhlman
Sharon Hrycewicz of Bend in the Road says of becoming a children's librarian that coming to work in the library for the first time felt like "coming home." This year, she's one of our panelists for the Easy Readers and Short Chapter Books category, but on her blog she writes about all kinds of realistic fiction for kids, including Middle …
Ain’t Nothing But a Man
Carol Wilcox of Carol's Corner is one of our nominating panelists for Middle Grade and Young Adult Non-Fiction, and throughout the whole process she's been blogging about some of her favorite nominees and writing detailed, thoughtful reviews. One of those reviews was of finalist title Ain't Nothing but a Man: My Quest to Find the Real John Henry, by Scott …
REVIEW: A Curse Dark As Gold
Miss Erin's blog has been a well-known corner of the kidlitosphere since January of 2006, and since then she's posted numerous excellent book reviews, author interviews, and other thoughts on writing and reading. She also happens to be one of the Postergirlz for Readergirlz, as well as our youngest Cybils judge. Recently, Miss Erin reviewed one of the finalists for …
Houndsley and Catina and the Quiet Time
Andi, aka Cloudscome, describes herself as "a librarian posting about multiculti kid's books, poetry, knitting, my garden and gluten free cooking." She blogs at A Wrung Sponge, and she was also a nominating panelist for this year's Cybils Easy Readers category. Earlier this winter, Cloudscome reviewed a very wintry sort of book, finalist title Houndsley and Catina and the Quiet …
Wabi Sabi
If you're looking for in-depth and thoughtful reviews of children's books, you'll want to check out the blog 100 Scope Notes, the online home of Fiction Picture Books nominating panelist Travis Jonker. He's an elementary school librarian, and about his blog name, he says "Scope notes help to clarify the meaning of a term or instruct on its usage. 100 …