Featured Blogger: Amy at Hope Is the Word

Our first featured blogger is Amy at Hope Is The Word, who hosts the Armchair Cybils every year. She was nominated by Sherry at Semicolon who says: ” Amy reads and reviews lots of Cybils nominees and gives bloggers who are unable to be judges a chance to get in on the Cybils fun. Amy is a teacher and librarian turned …

Review: Colors of the Wind

Today’s review comes from Elementary/Middle Grade Non-Fiction round one panelist Reshama, at Stacking Books. I have to admit I featured this 1) because I met Reshama at KidlitCon last week and she’s delightful and 2) I met the author of this book at KidlitCon last week and she’s delightful as well. Of Colors of the Wind, Reshama writes: This is …

Nominations Now Closed

You blew it. You had your chance to nominate, and now it’s gone. You missed the boat, you’re out of time, past deadline, unpunctual, late. Done, finished, kaput. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but nominations are now closed. Of course, if you nominated a book or few, we’re delighted. We collected  more than 880 nominations altogether …

So You Need a Book to Nominate?

Your favorite book got nominated already, the nominations close TOMORROW, and you don’t know what to do? We’re here to help! A number of bloggers have complied lists of books that haven’t been nominated (yet), but deserve to be. Feel free to pick and choose from their lists! Nominations close tomorrow, October 15, so you do need to hurry. Theres …

Review: Cress

Today’s review comes from Round 2 Young Adult Fiction panelist (and 16-year-old) Summer, a Palestinian girl who loves all things books. (She’s also Harry Potter’s long-lost twin sister, so we love her for that already.) Summer blogs at MissFictional’s World of YA Books where she writes about all sorts of YA books, including Young Adult Speculative Fiction nominee Cress, by Marissa Meyer. …

NEW! The Featured Blogger

One of the things we wanted to do this Cybils’ season is reach out and feature the bloggers that are part of this community.  This can be ANYONE in the wider kidlit blogging community, not just those who are involved as panelists, judges, or organizers. If you have someone in mind who loves and blogs about kidlit, please send a …

Review: Always Emily

Today’s review of the day comes from long-time Cybils’ panelist and judge, Leila Roy. A librarian tucked away in Maine, Leila blogs at both Bookshelves of Doom and Kirkus, where she releases her enthusiastic love (and snark) on books. Of Young Adult Fiction nominee Always Emily by Michaela MacColl, Leila writes: As the cover art and the name “Brontë” suggest, the book features plenty …

Review: Eerie Elementary #1: The School Is Alive!

Today’s featured review of Eerie Elementary #1: The School is Alive! by Jack Chabert comes from round one panelist, Katie Fitzgerald. A former children’s librarian in Washington D. C., Katie now blogs at Story Time Secrets.  Of the Easy Reader/Chapter Book nominee, Katie writes: Kids who like scary adventures will feel that they have hit the jackpot with this new series. These plot-driven tales are …

And…. GO! 2014 Cybils Nominations are OPEN

Welcome to the NINTH annual Cybils awards! You can now go and nominate any book to your heart’s content. Well… maybe not ANY book. So here are a few things to get you started: First off,  be sure to check out our category descriptions. If you’re not sure where your book should go, PLEASE check these out. If you’re not quite sure, …