Review: Blood of My Blood

Today’s review of the day is the third in the I Hunt Killers series, and Young Adult Fiction nominee Blood of My Blood, by Barry Lyga. The review is by Young Adult fiction panelist William, who is one of the bloggers at Guys Lit Wire. He writes: This question of nature versus nurture is made explicit in Barry Lyga’s Blood …

Review: The Port Chicago 50

Today’s review of the National Book Award nominee, and Young Adult Non-fiction nominee The Port Chicago 50: Disaster, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights, by Steve Sheinkin comes from round one panelist Danyelle. She blogs at Bookshelves in the Cul-de-Sac and did a nonfiction round-up over the summer. About The Port Chicago 50, she writes: Sheinkin is one the best writers …

Review: A Piece of Cake

Today’s review comes from librarian, speaker, and author Kristen Remenar. who is also a first round Fiction Picture book panelist. She recently reviewed nominee A Piece of Cake by LeUyen Pham. Every December I see lists of the best books of the year, and every year there’s at least one gem that I can’t believe isn’t getting more love. My choice this …

Review: Bird & Squirrel on Ice

Graphic Novel nominee Bird & Squirrel on Ice, by James Burks is our featured review today. The review comes from Nicola, a round one panelist on Graphic Novels. She writes on her blog It’s All Comic to Me: Another great Bird & Squirrel book! I love these two characters; they are like a modern day Frog and Toad. Two friends with …

Review: Once Appon

Today’s review is of the book app Once Appon – A Goodnight Storymaker for Kids. It comes from Emily Lloyd, who blogs at Little eLit, and is a round one panelist for Book Apps. She writes: OnceAppon, released in May 2014, is a beautifully-illustrated app that invites users to assemble a “hero” with an avatar maker, and see that hero imported into …

Review: Dorothy’s Derby Chronicles: Rise of the Undead Readhead

Today’s review is of the middle grade fiction nominee Rise of the Undead Redhead, by Meghan Dougherty. It was reviewed by Rosemary, a round one Middle Grade Fiction panelist, who blogs at Mom Read It. She writes: Where was this series when I was a kid, watching late-night roller derby on off-network TV and hitting the roller rinks with my friends …

Review: Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor

Perhaps it was because I was just listening to the PW Kidscast interview with Jon Scieszka but that drew me to the Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative fiction nominee Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor.  Thankfully, Ms. Yingling, the Middle Grade fiction chair, librarian, and super blogger (at Ms. Yingling Reads) reviewed the book. She wrote: It is a rare book that includes BOTH …

Featured Blogger: Elizabeth O. Dulemba

This month’s featured blogger was nominated by Vicky. Who says, “I nominate Elizabeth O. Dulemba. She has consistently featured kidlit authors and illustrators, as well as kidlit books, for many years. As an author/illustrator herself, she also provides many articles, links, and resources for those involved in the kidlit community.” Happily, Elizabeth was willing to answer a few questions about …

Review: Forest Has a Song

Today’s review of poetry nominee Forest Has a Song, by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater is by Bridget, a teacher who blogs at Teacher Dance. She wrote: If you love the forest like I do, you will also love what Amy and Robbin have offered in this new book of poems.  They have shown the real things, like in the poem Puff, telling …

Review: Dare the Wind

Round one panelist Sondy, blogging over at Sonderbooks where she blogs about a wide range of books, has our review today of Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction nominee Dare the Wind: The Record-breaking Voyage of Eleanor Prentiss and the Flying Cloud, by Tracey Fern. Sondy writes: How wonderful! A nineteenth century young woman navigated clipper ships for her sea captain husband and actually …