Our wonderful media guru, Sarah Stevenson, has worked her magic and provided a printer-friendly flyer listing all of this year’s Cybils finalists. You can find it here. Feel free to print it off, hand it out, pass it around, and generally get the word out. You can also find lists of our past finalists (and winners) in the books section of …
The 2014 Finalists: What’s Being Said
Every year, we love seeing the reactions of the authors, publishers, spouses, and fans after the Cybils finalists announcement goes up. Here are a few of the reactions that caught our attention this weekend: Tara Dairman (@TaraDairman): What delicious news to wake up to today: ALL FOUR STARS is a @Cybils finalist for middle-grade fiction! @penguinkids Huge thanks to @debamarshall for the …
2014 Finalists: By The Numbers
Just a little bit of tooting our own horn (we’ll get to other’s celebratory tweets on Sunday. Promise!), mostly because we’re incredibly proud of all the work that the first round panelists did. Anne already highlighted the diversity in the finalists, but in addition: There were 1,333 books eligible across all categories. Of those books, 99.9% were read by one panelist. 97.1% of …
The 2014 Finalists
My very first day of first grade was also the day my school district desegregated. It was 1969, and my grandmother had told me I’d be going to school with “colored children”. A new box of Crayola crayons sat in my school kit, and my little six-year-old self fully expected to see the same glorious rainbow of colors among the …
One Day More
(For all those who started singing, here you go.) The culmination of all the reading, deliberating, and deciding of our many round one panelists have come to fruition. They’ve taken the huge piles of nominated books and narrowed them down (no small feat). And we know you’re dying to know what those books. And so, tomorrow, we’ll reveal the finalists for …
A KidlitCon Intermission
While we’re nearing the end of round one here at the Cybils, and the holiday season is in full swing, things are also getting started for (the ninth annual!) KidlitCon 2015 in Baltimore, MD. No dates are set – it will be sometime in the fall – but we did want to give publishers a heads-up of the opportunities to participate, including: …
Shop Cybils!
We know you are all internet-savvy people, sitting ready to take advantage of all the hot deals (and free shipping!) that are out there during this weekend of shopping. On this Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we here at the Cybils just ask that if you shop for books (and we know you will!), to please take the time to …
Exclusive: Cover Reveal, The Temple of Doubt
We’re always excited when anyone in our Cybils community has a new project forthcoming. But, when it’s our Executive Director, the instigator of the Cybils, the boss lady, the tsar (and however many other titles she’s been known by over the years), then it’s something special. Anne’s publisher, Sky Pony Press (an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing), has allowed us, here …
Nominations Now Closed
You blew it. You had your chance to nominate, and now it’s gone. You missed the boat, you’re out of time, past deadline, unpunctual, late. Done, finished, kaput. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but nominations are now closed. Of course, if you nominated a book or few, we’re delighted. We collected more than 880 nominations altogether …
Calling all publishers, authors, and app developers
Tomorrow, October 16, is the start of the period where publishers, publicists, authors, and app developers may submit your own books for consideration for the Cybils Awards. From October 16-25, you may submit any titles not already nominated by the general public, up to 10% of your 2014 children’s/YA list. The titles nominated by the public do not count towards the 10%, and …