Cybils 2016 Poetry Judges

Round 1 Joy Acey Poetry for Kids Carol WilcoxCarol W’s Corner@carwilc Linda BaieTeacher Dance@LBaie Sylvia VardellPoetry for Children@SylviaVardell Kortney GarrisonOne Deep Drawer@onedeepdrawer Jone Rush MacCullochCheck It Out@JoneMac53 Tricia Stohr-HuntThe Miss Rumphius Effect@missrumphius Round 2 Margaret SimonReflections on the Teche@MargaretGSimon Diane MayrKurious Kitty’s Kurio Kabinet@terseverser Katharine ManningKid Book List@SuperKate Amy UptainHope Is the Word@HopetheWordBlog Nancy Bo FloodThe Pirate Tree@nancyboflood

Cybils 2016: Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction Judges

Round 1 Sherry Early Semicolon @semicolonblog Kristen Harvey The Book Monsters  @bookgoil Brandy Painter Random Musings of a Bibliophile @brandymuses Charlotte Taylor Charlotte’s Library @charlotteslib Brenda Tjaden Log Cabin Library @logcabinlibrary Round 2 Mark Buxton Say What? Nicole Brinkley YA Interrobang @nebrinkley Heidi Grange Geo Librarian @geolibrarian Rosemary Kiladitis MomReadIt @roesolo Tasha Saecker Waking Brain Cells  @tashrow

Cybils 2016: Middle Grade Fiction Judges

Round 1 Karen YinglingMs. Yingling Reads@msyingling Sarah SammisPuss Reboots@pussreboots Jenna GroseFalling Letters@FallingLetters Ryan Hanna Reading Rocks!@rantryan Mindy RigherProper Noun Blog@mindyreads Round 2Alex BaughRandomly Reading@randomlyreading Greg PattridgeAlways in the Middle Valerie BogertSkipping Through the Stacks@MsVal313 Katie McEnaneyThe Logonauts@thelogonauts Yamile MendezProject Middle Grade Mayhem@YamileSMendez

Cybils 2016: Elementary and Juvenile Non-Fiction Judges

Round 1 Sandy Brehl Unpacking the Power of Picture Books @PBWorkshop and @sandybrehl   Carrie Waterson IndyPL Kids’ Blog IndyPL Ready to Read @indylibrary   Reshama Deshmukh Stacking Books @Stackingbks   Sara Ralph Two Nerdy Sisters @sralph31   Ellen Zschunke On the Shelf 4 Kids @ontheshelf4kids   Joanne Roberts Bookish Ambition @BookishAmbition   Elisa Bergslien Leopards and Dragons   @DNAPL …

Cybils 2016: Easy Reader/Early Chapter Books Judges

Round 1 Maggi RhodeMama Librarian@mama_librarian Niki BarnesDaydream Reader@NikiOhsBarnes  Kristi BernardKristi’s Book Nook@kristibernard Heather HibbettsBooks and Giggles@booksandgiggles Claire NolandA Field Trip Life@claire_noland   Round 2Beth SchmelzerBest Books by Beth Amanda BoyarshinovThe Educators’ Spin On It@ABoyarshinov  Kimberly MoranWritten Reflections@kagmoran Miranda RosbachMy Book Bloom@bookbloom Veronica FranklinGrounded Wanderlust@verilyfranklin

Cybils 2016: Fiction Picture Books Judges

Round 1Deb NanceThe Reader Buzz@debnance   Jennifer WhartonJean Little Library@jeanlittlelib Kirsti CallReading for Research@kirsticall Lynne Marie PisanoMy Word Playground@Literally_Lynne Ami JonesA Mom’s Spare Time Sue MorrisKid Lit Reviews@suemmorris Kate UngerMom’s Radius@MomsRadius  Round 2 Teri LesesneGoddess of YA@ProfessorNana Mel SchultLet’s Talk Picture Books@spiky_Penelope Benji MartinTales of an Elementary School Librarian@mrbenjimartin Lauren DavisHappily Ever Elephants@KidLitLauren Emily AndrusLiterary Hoots@literaryhoots

Changes Are Fun, Part Whatever

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Terry Doherty has to step down as our Fiction Picture Books chair. We will miss her terribly, and wish her all the best. In her stead, Deb Nance has graciously volunteered to step up and fill Terry’s shoes this season. Here’s a bit about her: Fiction picture books are Deb Nance’s world. She’s had many huge …

Applications for Judges Are Now Closed

We want to make sure we send out an enormous THANK YOU to all who applied; without you there would be no Cybils. Category chairs are busy putting together panels and those who have been accepted onto panels will soon be contacted. From there,  you’ll have a short break before the work (really: it’s fun!) begins after October 1. For those who …

Last Call!

If you are a blogger, podcasters, vloggers/booktubers, or book network reviewer who has reviewed children’s, middle grade or YA books, we would love it if you applied to be a Cybils Judge.  You can read up on experiences that former judges and panelists have had, as well as reasons category chairs feel you should apply over on our Twitter feed. …

The Cybils is Now a Non-Profit!

The Cybils organization is thrilled to report that we are now officially a not-for-profit corporation, registered in the state of Arizona. We will be applying for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status this year. We have undertaken this formal registration process as a reflection of the seriousness with which we, the Cybils organizers, treat this award. While we are taking steps to make the …