Former Cybils judge and founder of the Nerdy Book Club, Colby Sharp, has just landed a book deal with Little, Brown. From the Publisher’s Weekly story: Sharp is going to expand on the importance of reading and writing by editing an interactive anthology, The Creativity Project, which Little, Brown Books for Young Readers has bought for publication in 2018. The …
Now accepting submissions from publishers, authors, and publicists.
We are now accepting submissions from publishers, authors, and publicists. This is your chance to let us know about good books that were missed during the public nomination period. You may submit up to 10% of your eligible children’s and YA books published between October 16, 2015 and October 15, 2016. (The publicly nominated books don’t count against the 10%.) …
Two days! Nominations Closing on Oct 15th
We’re almost done with the public nominations for this year’s Cybils. If you haven’t nominated, NOW is the time! We’ve noticed that there have been a lot of people commenting on blog posts nominating books. While we are happy you’re excited about nominating, nominations in comments will not be counted. You need to fill out the nomination form here. If your …
And… Go! Cybils Nominations are Open
The 2016 Cybils nominations are now live! Some quick reminders: First off, be sure to check out our category descriptions. If you don’t know where the book should go, please read through the descriptions to help you decide. If you’re still not quite sure, make your best guess, and we can straighten things out behind the scenes. Take a minute to check out our …
Nominations Open Tomorrow!
So, I’ve had an incredibly busy month, and this has definitely snuck up on me this year! Hopefully, you’re MUCH better prepared for when the Cybils nomination form goes live at midnight pacific time on October 1. Hopefully, you’ve been thinking about which books are your favorites, which ones you want nominated, and have backups for all of them! I’m in …
Cybils 2016: Young Adult Speculative Fiction Judges
Round 1 Sheila Ruth Wands and Worlds @sheilaruth Karen Jensen Teen Librarian Toolbox @tlt16 Guinevere Thomas Twinja Book Reviews @dos_twinjas Maureen Eichner By Singing Light @elvenjaneite Sondra Eklund Sonderbooks @Sonderbooks Gary Anderson What’s Not Wrong? @AndersonGL Tanita Davis Finding Wonderland @tanita_s_davis Round 2 Kim Aippersbach Dead Houseplants Pam Margolis An Unconventional Librarian @Pamlovesbooks …
Cybils 2016: YA Fiction Judges
Round 1Kim BacciellaSi, Se Puede@ixtumea Jenni FrenchamFrom the Biblio Files @jennifrencham Rose GarrettThe Spirited Librarian@roseinglis Kelly HagerKellyVision@khager Jennifer HubbsLost in a Great Book@lostingreatbook William PolkingGuys Lit Wire@polking Melissa WileyHere in the Bonny Glen@melissawiley Round 2Stormy Campbell Book.Blog.Bake.@stormydawnc Jessica HollandTales Between the Pages@JessicaTBTP Maureen KearneyConfessions of a Bibliovore@mosylu Amanda MacGregorTeen Librarian Toolbox@CiteSomething Laura ShovanLaura Shovan@LauraShovan
Cybils 2016: Middle Grade/Young Adult Non-Fiction Judges
Round 1 Jennie Rothschild Biblio File @kidsilkhaze Karen Ball Mrs. B’s Favorites @batgirl_books Kelly Jensen Stacked @veronikellymars Jen Naughton Viking Academy @Viking_Academy Julie Williams Reading By the Pond @JulieWilliams89 Round 2 Rebecca J. Allen The Winged Pen @RebeccaJ_Allen Wendy Gassaway Falconer’s Library @WendyGassaway Sussu Leclerc A Novel Without Further Ado @bookriders1 Thomas …
Cybils 2016: Audiobooks Judges
Round 1Stephanie CharlefourLove Life Read @scharle4 Alyssa FellerThe Shady Glade Jeanene JohnsonGot My Book @gotmybookblog Katy KrampA Library Mama@alibrarymama Maren OstergardKing County Library System@mycornerwindow Round 2Tamara FordShelf Addiction@ShelfAddiction Melissa FoxThe Book Nut@book_nut Adrienne GillespieBooks and Bassets@adrienneelva Joella PetersonCinjella@cinjoella Nancy TandonNancy Tandon@nancytandon
Cybils 2016: Graphic Novels Judges
Round 1Alexandra Cenni For the Sake of Reading@PRationality Amy Estersohn No Flying No Tights@HMX_MSE Alysa Stewart Everead@everead Benedict Hutchinson A Goblin Reviews Graphic Novels Liz JonesLizjonesbooks@lizjonesbooks Round 2Earl DizonThe Chronicles Of A Children’s Book Writer@ea12l Sarah Stevenson Finding Wonderland@aquafortis Angel Cruz Mermaid Vision Books@angelcwrites Allie Jones In Bed with Books@wearedevilcow Kim Francisco Stacked@kimberlymarief