Creating a book pairing is lots of fun. If you are worried about whether or not your giftee likes to read, this is a great way to give a multi-faceted gift that has something extra beyond the book.
Is there an added cost to create a themed gift? Sometimes, yes, but not always. Check out these ideas of things you can add to your book gift that don't cost extra and are priceless.
Record yourself reading the book.
- Picture books lend themselves to video, too.
- Make it last: Record chapter books as "serials" and send one episode at a time.
Share your talent.
- Artist. Make a date to create something together.
- Gardener. Plan a plot that you'll create together.
- Jewelry Maker. Select supplies to make a matching item.
- Nature lover. Plan an outdoor activity: picnic, hike, etc.
Let them teach you!
- Learn to make "reels" and short videos.
- Attend an event in something that interests them.

Book Pairings Idea Guide
The concept of creating a book pairing is simple: draw from the book's subject or theme and connect a secondary gift (activity, event, object) that complements it.
This is just a very small sampling of the ways in which you can put together a paired gift. We hope these starter ideas will spark an idea that adds that just-right touch to your unique, special gift.
Art | Cooks & Foodies | Geography & History | Music & Performing Arts | Nature | the Sciences/STEM | Sports

Drawing, sketching, or other art materials (e.g., clay, wood, plaster, etc.)
Writing journal and a nice pen.
Plan a trip to visit a local museum, performance, etc.
Research options for gifting art lessons and include info in the package.
Take a class together at a local studio in the giftee's favorite medium.
Arrange a backstage tour at a museum, theater, etc.

Age-appropriate piece of sporting equipment.
Tickets to an upcoming sporting event in a favorite or new sport. Consider local college events. You are likely to find "Olympic sports" on many campuses.
Jersey or other fan paraphernalia for the sport/team.
Lesson(s) or sport-related summer camp.

Look at the foods featured in the book. Seek out a local ethnic market to find some of the ingredients and make a dish, or plan a restaurant visit to try that cuisine.
Plan a date to visit a farmer's market.
Age-appropriate kitchen tools, a personalized apron, or a recipe box. Include a hand-written recipe and/or ingredients. Is there a story that goes with the recipe? Add that, too!
Visit a local farm or nursery to learn about the origin of a food and how it grows.
Find a local company that gives tours (or will create a tour for you) about the product that it makes.

Plan a trip to visit a local museum, historic site, library archive, etc. Pre-arrange a backstage tour.
Are there local ghost tours? Definitely give that consideration.
Globe, compass, or map charting tools.
With parent/guardian permission, plan an adventure to a different city, maybe a childhood home.
Consider gifting an item of personal or family history.

Share music related to the book, whether genre, music era, or artist(s). If it is someone or a kind of music you personally love, consider gifting your CD/LP with the book.
If available or possible, include the "soundtrack." Many middle grade and Young Adult authors create playlists for the songs mentioned in their books.
DVD for a favorite concert or performance that has a connection to the book.
Lessons, either voice or instrumental.
Instruments (toy versions for toddlers/preschoolers).

Garden seeds or self-contained kit. If you save seeds, package those up. Add planting instructions and share a story about why you grow/love that plant.
Make plans to visit a farmer's market or a local farm. Many offer free tours and/or have picnic areas.
Youth-appropriate garden tools (e.g., gloves).
Backyard birding supplies: hummingbird feeder, birdhouse kit, etc.
Butterfly (or similar) kit.
Set a date for a nature walk, garden tour, or zoo visit.

Building kits: coding and robotics, 3D model, mold kit, activity box.
Age-appropriate microscope or experiment kit.
Forensic science or fingerprint kit.
Scientific-style journals with a pen and/or magnifying glass.
Plan to visit a planetarium or science museum.