REVIEW: The Blackthorn Key

Brandy Painter of the blog Random Musings of a Bibliophile brings us our review of today’s featured finalist: The Blackthorn Key by Kevin Sands. Brandy teaches grade school and high school literature and English in Tennessee, and keeps some fantastic YA and middle grade book lists (and links to reviews) on her blog. A few months ago, she reviewed The …

REVIEW: Honor Girl: A Graphic Memoir

Very rarely do we have cause or ability to reprint a blogger’s entire review of a title in our featured post…but today is one of those times. The book in question is YA Graphic Novels finalist Honor Girl: A Graphic Memoir by Maggie Thrash. The blogger in question is Emily Mitchell of Emily Reads, one of our Round 2 judges. …

REVIEW: Blizzard

Since we’re in the throes of winter (although “throes” may be debatable, depending on where you’re located), it seems fitting that today’s featured finalist review is the Fiction Picture Book title Blizzard, written and illustrated by John Rocco. Our blog review for this title was posted to Gathering Books, and was written by the blog’s founder Myra Garces-Bascal, who does …

Cybils at the ALA Youth Media Awards

I’m pretty sure you (like me) sat next to your computer (or maybe you were lucky and got to be at ALA Midwinter in Boston?) and eagerly listened to/watched the announcements of this year’s ALA Youth Media awards yesterday. It was exciting, and definitely full of surprises! As I watched the livestream, I couldn’t help but wonder how many of the books …

REVIEW: Castle Hangnail

Our featured blog review for this Monday is Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction finalist Castle Hangnail by Ursula Vernon, who is well known for her Dragonbreath series of graphic novels. This review from last spring comes from Stephanie Whelan, a New York Public Librarian who blogs at Views from the Tesseract. Stephanie, one of our Round 1 judges this year, has …

The 2015 Cybils Finalists: The Ones That Got Away

Perhaps the most difficult thing about being a Round 1 judge is letting go of  your own personal favorites in order to create a finalist list. It’s a good thing: working with a panel means you get a variety of books for a diverse group of readers rather than, say, All The Books Blogger X Likes. But, there are just so many good …

The 2015 Finalists: What’s Being Said, Part 3

Over the past week, more love for the Cybils finalists have come in. Here’s a sampling of our favorites! CYBILS Finalist List. So thrilled to see Picture Perfect here. — Jacqueline Jules (@jacquelinejules) January 3, 2016 Hooray! So happy to see SOFIA on this list @Kimdraws. Also, RANGER! @KateMessner @literaticat — Kelly Sonnack (@KSonnack) January 3, 2016 …

REVIEW: Guts and Glory: The Vikings

One of the coolest things about Roberta Gibson’s blog Wrapped in Foil is that she’s got a list of children’s books by state, from Alabama to Wyoming, along with brief descriptions of each book. Our featured review today–Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction finalist Guts & Glory: The Vikings by Ben Thompson—may not exactly fit on that list, but it did make the …

REVIEW: Dory and the Real True Friend

Today’s featured review of Early Chapter Books finalist Dory and the Real True Friend by Abby Hanlon–the sequel to 2014 Cybils finalist Dory Fantasmagory–comes from Round 2 judge Freya Hooper. Freya, a mom of 3 kids, blogs at One Great Book, where she reviews books for children and teens (and helpfully sorts them by grade level). About Dory and the …

REVIEW: Hilda Bewildered

Cool fact about Round 1 Book Apps judge Jill Goodman: as a faculty member at University of Central Florida Department of Education, she serves on the dissertation committees of students doing their theses on apps in early childhood education. She also reviews book apps at Participate Learning, which is where she reviewed Book Apps finalist Hilda Bewildered: “There are few …