Liz Jones has been part of Cybils graphics since 2007, and fully credits it for introducing her to the wonderful variety in graphic storytelling on the market, even though her local market doesn’t offer much in this category. She connects readers to graphics via the children’s lit class she teaches at the University of Pittsburgh, the students who attend art classes at her studio …
Meet the 2016 Organizers: Jodie Rodriguez, Easy Readers/Early Chapter Book Chair
Jodie Rodriguez is a certified teacher, administrator, and reading specialist who has worked in charter and public schools in St. Louis, MO. Her blog, Growing Book by Book, which focuses on books, literacy and writing activities, and family literacy projects, has been going strong for five years. Jodie served as a first-round panelist for easy readers and early chapter books …
Meet the 2016 Organizers: Terry Doherty, Fiction Picture Books
Some things never change. Four years ago, my daughter would say everything I did was “weird.” She still does. Almost 15 years ago, said daughter rekindled my love of children’s literature. That fire is an eternal flame. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t read an adorable board book and wish I still had a toddler, or come …
Meet the 2016 Organizers: Melissa Fox, Co-Blog Editor
Melissa has gained the reputation at work for her happy dances… which she breaks into whenever 1) a new Middle Grade or YA book she’s particularly excited about comes out, 2) when she gets to do a fun story time, or 3) she gets the opportunity to bring a cool author (favorite so far? Maggie Stiefvater!) to Wichita. In short: she loves her …
Meet the 2016 Organizers: Sarah Stevenson, Co-Blog Editor
Sarah Stevenson–a YA author, freelance writer, artist, and graphic designer–has been a part of the Cybils since its inaugural year in 2006, and was blog editor for the 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012 Cybils. She’s also helped out behind the scenes with the Cybils logo and flyers, and as a judge in various categories. She is very happy to be back …
Meet the 2016 Organizers: Jen Robinson, Literacy Evangelist and Social Media Guru
Jen Robinson loves reading, listening to, and recommending books. Although she works in the high tech industry, she feels that she can actually make a difference in the world if she helps parents, teachers, and librarians to connect kids with books. She does this by purchasing books for as many kids in her life as possible, and by reviewing books …
Meet the 2016 Organizers: Sheila Ruth, Publisher Liason
It all started with Harry Potter and homeschooling. After bonding over reading Harry Potter together, kidlit became a family activity. Dad wrote a book, mom (Sheila) published it, and mom and son started a book website, Wands and Worlds, as a homeschooling activity. Blogging followed soon after, which in turn led to the Cybils, which Sheila has been passionately involved with …
Meet the 2016 Organizers: Anne Levy, Executive Director
I’m the Cybils spokes-model, getting paid big bucks to show off my glamorous self and sell these sleek awards. Only I don’t get paid, and I’m in my PJs, and the awards are free. I’m not really sure why organizers keep me around a decade after co-founding the awards, actually, except as some sort of mascot. I wave a lot …
The Cybils is Now a Non-Profit!
The Cybils organization is thrilled to report that we are now officially a not-for-profit corporation, registered in the state of Arizona. We will be applying for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status this year. We have undertaken this formal registration process as a reflection of the seriousness with which we, the Cybils organizers, treat this award. While we are taking steps to make the …
KidLitCon 2016 Program Announced
Our friends at KidLitCon have announced the program for their 2016 conference in Wichita, which is being held on Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15 (for registration information, click here). The conference theme this year is Gatekeepers and Keymasters: Connecting bloggers, librarians, teachers, authors, and parents to promote literacy. Besides two awesome keynote speakers, award-winning authors A.S. King and Clare …