Changes Are Fun, Part Whatever

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Terry Doherty has to step down as our Fiction Picture Books chair. We will miss her terribly, and wish her all the best. In her stead, Deb Nance has graciously volunteered to step up and fill Terry’s shoes this season. Here’s a bit about her: Fiction picture books are Deb Nance’s world. She’s had many huge …

Applications for Judges Are Now Closed

We want to make sure we send out an enormous THANK YOU to all who applied; without you there would be no Cybils. Category chairs are busy putting together panels and those who have been accepted onto panels will soon be contacted. From there,  you’ll have a short break before the work (really: it’s fun!) begins after October 1. For those who …

Meet the 2016 Organizers: Stephanie Charlfour, Audiobooks Chair

A lifelong reader, some of Stephanie’s most vivid memories from her childhood are centered around books–from volunteering in her middle school library, curling up with a great book on a rainy day and sharing books with her best friends at recess. Now as a tween and teen librarian, Stephanie gets to share her love of reading focusing on those in …

Meet the 2016 Organizers: Jennie Rothschild, Middle Grade and YA Non-Fiction

Jennie is returning to the CYBILS for the 7th time in her beloved MG/YA Nonfiction category. She’s been a panelist and a judge and is excited to take on a new role–MG/YA Nonfiction Organizer. A former youth services librarian, she now manages a branch library in the DC suburbs, where she lives with her family. On years when she hasn’t …

Meet the 2016 Organizers: Melissa Wiley, YA Fiction Chair

Melissa Wiley fell in love with the Kidlitosphere before it even had a name and has been enthusiastically blogging about her family’s reading life atHere in the Bonny Glen since 2005. She is the author of more than a dozen books for kids and teens (including The Prairie Thief, the Inch and Roly series, and the Martha and Charlotte Little House …

Meet the 2016 Organizers: Karen Yingling, Middle Grade Fiction Chair

A middle aged, middle school librarian from the Midwest, I’ve been blogging since 2006 at Ms. Yingling Reads. When first hired at my school, I vowed to read every hard cover fiction book in the library so that it’s easier to get the right book for the right child at the right time. It was sad when I finished because …

Meet the 2016 Organizers: Charlotte Taylor, Elementary and Middle Grade Speculative Fiction Chair

Charlotte Taylor has been fan of fantasy since she was a toddler, and spent her childhood rejecting her sisters’ importunings to come play in favor of peaceful reading. She still spends as much time as possible reading (mostly middle grade speculative fiction, but other genres too, because she wants to read All the Things), but she is hampered her day job as a professional archaeologist, …

Meet the 2016 Organziers: Jone MacCulloch

Jone has been involved with the CYBILS since 2006.  She’s currently the chairperson of the poetry category.  Poetry is part of her everyday life especially in the K5 library where she teaches. Her students’ poems have appeared at “Check It Out”  These students also send poetry postcards to recipients throughout the world for National Poetry Month. Jone assist students in …

Last Call!

If you are a blogger, podcasters, vloggers/booktubers, or book network reviewer who has reviewed children’s, middle grade or YA books, we would love it if you applied to be a Cybils Judge.  You can read up on experiences that former judges and panelists have had, as well as reasons category chairs feel you should apply over on our Twitter feed. …

Meet the 2016 Organizers: Jennifer Wharton, Elementary/Juvenile Non-Fiction Chair

Jennifer has been involved with Cybils since 2009 and is excited to be chairing the Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction category for another year. When not obsessively reading and blogging at one of her many blogs, including Jean Little Library, she is the head of the youth services department for the Matheson Memorial Library in Elkhorn, WI. She has recently reorganized much of the library to make …