Category Description: Audiobooks

The world of audiobooks is a rich landscape full of amazing productions with rich narrations, beautiful sound effects, and the ability to bring a book to life without ever having to see the words. Whether it is a single narrator, a duo, or an ensemble, an audiobook has the ability to sweep readers away on a magical ride. As listeners, we can use them …

Category Description: Graphic Novels

When I ask my college students if they’ve ever read a graphic novel of them, most of them look confused. You mean superhero comics? Well, yes– of course! But there’s more. There are always a few whose faces light up as they tell me about having read Watchmen, or Maus, or more recent stories like Smile or War Brothers. Using …

Category Description: Poetry

Poetry is an ever flowing river of words.  From words that rhyme, words that shape emotions on all different topics to poetic forms, the Poetry category is home to an uber stew of entries. These books will appeal to the very young, middle grade and/or young adults. Poetry includes nominations of novels in verse.   What belongs in Poetry? Consider …

Category Description: Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction

This past year has seen another excellent crop of wonderfully inventive speculative fiction books for kids! Along with the expected spells and space rockets and aliens, this is the category for books with talking animals, time-travel, ghosts, and paranormal abilities, and all the other books that might not have obvious magic on every page, and which are set here on Earth, but which push past …

Category Description: Middle Grade Fiction

Middle grade fiction encompasses a wide range of stories that do not have magical elements and are geared toward the 8 to 12 year old age group. These stories could be mysteries, histories, humor, sports, adventure and other tales set in the real world. Middle Grade readers’ tastes and reading abilities can vary widely, and getting them a book that …

Category Description: Elementary/Juvenile Non-Fiction

  Kids are curious about the world around them and nonfiction is the perfect way to introduce them to that amazing world. History? Biography? Art? Science? Math? Animals? Sports? It’s all here and more besides! We love text and illustrations or photographs that will wow kids and adults alike and topics so fascinating that kids will want to go digging …

Category Description: Easy Reader/Early Chapter Books

The Easy Reader / Early Chapter Book category of the Cybils covers the whole spectrum of titles for early elementary kids who are learning to read, from the very basic books for emergent readers to longer, illustrated titles for kids who are not quite ready for novels. What we’re looking for in easy reader nominations are leveled readers with controlled …

Category Description: Board Books

Just say the phrase “board book” and you’re bound to hear an “awww” or a “that’s so cute!” It happens in my house all the time (even with the teenager)! We share these books with our youngest readers to be. These are our child’s first stories – at playtime, before nap, and as bedtime stories. Opening a board book to …

Category Description: Fiction Picture Books

Colorful. Beautiful. Funny. Poignant. Amazing. Pick your word. These are the stories – with and without words – that can capture our hearts and mind, whether we are two or 92! Fiction Picture Books are a show and tell art form. They introduce young readers to their worlds, present and past; take us on fantastic journeys, real and imagined; offer …

Cybils 2016: Young Adult Speculative Fiction Judges

Round 1 Sheila Ruth Wands and Worlds @sheilaruth Karen Jensen Teen Librarian Toolbox @tlt16   Guinevere Thomas Twinja Book Reviews  @dos_twinjas   Maureen Eichner By Singing Light @elvenjaneite   Sondra Eklund Sonderbooks @Sonderbooks   Gary Anderson What’s Not Wrong? @AndersonGL Tanita Davis Finding Wonderland @tanita_s_davis Round 2 Kim Aippersbach Dead Houseplants     Pam Margolis An Unconventional Librarian @Pamlovesbooks   …