2016 Nominations: Audiobooks

Please view the full blog post to see a list of all 2016 nominated books in the Audiobooks category.

2016 Nominations: Poetry

Please view the full blog post to see a list of all 2016 nominated books in the Poetry category.

Nominations Open Tomorrow!

So, I’ve had an incredibly busy month, and this has definitely snuck up on me this year! Hopefully, you’re MUCH better prepared for when the Cybils nomination form goes live at midnight pacific time on October 1. Hopefully, you’ve been thinking about which books are your favorites, which ones you want nominated, and have backups for all of them! I’m in …

Category Description: YA Speculative Fiction

Speculative Fiction takes us to realms of the imagination: places and times and realities where the rules of life may be different than our own and where the impossible and improbable become real. But good science fiction and fantasy does more than that: it asks, “What if?” It makes us think. It holds up a mirror to our own society …

Category Description: Young Adult Fiction

The world as it was and is. Not as it could, or would, or should be. Send the dystopias and space operas, the fairies and angels, the blood-suckers, zombies, and alternate realities to Seculative Fiction. In YA Fiction we are looking for realistic fiction, be it contemporary or historical, funny or mysterious, romantic or adventurous. We want the real world …

Category Description: MG/YA Non-Fiction

Novels may get all the glory, but we know that truth is stranger than fiction any day of the week. We’re currently in a golden age of nonfiction. Forget the dry stuff we read in school to help with our homework–today’s authors understand how important a great nonfiction piece of writing is to both the students and teachers, both for …